2 Easy Ways To Thicken Runny Deviled Egg Filling (2025)

Camryn Teder

·4 min read

Salad eggs, stuffed eggs, angel eggs -- call these soft indulgences whatever you want; aclassic plate of deviled eggs remains one of the most simple and delicious appetizers around. The best deviled eggs have a filling that is smooth, rich, and cohesive, but achieving that ideal end product can be harder than you think.Even little mistakes can ruin the whole integrity of the egg filling, making for a bland or poorly textured dish overall.

One of the most common deviled eggs mistakes people make is making the filling too runny.The obvious reason why your eggs end up like this is you've added too many wet ingredients. From an excess of mayonnaise to too heavy a pour of pickle juice, there are a lot of potential culprits. Luckily, no matter the reason for your runny filling, the mistake is usually very easily reversible, and we're here to fill you in on two easy ways to do just that.

To thicken up runny deviled egg filling, adding in some extra egg yolks is the first easy fix to try. This method thickens up the base of the filling without altering the taste. Now for a more out-of-the-box (literally) fix, try mixing some instant mashed potatoes into your filling instead. Using this convenient starch is a reliable option, as its long shelf life means a lot of households store it in the pantry for emergency situations exactly like this.


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Thicken Up Deviled Egg Filling With These Simple Additions

2 Easy Ways To Thicken Runny Deviled Egg Filling (2)

Thickening up deviled egg filling with extra egg yolks is a common fixas it's an easy way to restore balance to the mix. Because deviled eggs are often delicate, it actually would be a good idea to boil a few extra eggs ahead of time in case of any mishaps. Then, if you need to thicken up the filling, just add a few of those extra yolks into a bowl and stir. Exactly how many yolks you'll need depends on how watery your filling is, so start by adding one at a time until you reach your desired texture.

If you've used up all your eggs for this dish already, it's time for the instant mashed potato fix instead. While mixing instant mashed potato flakes into deviled egg filling might not be the first thing you think of, instant mashed potatoes are actually a common thickening agent,and with their mild flavor, they can mesh seamlessly into your filling.

To utilize this ingredient, add just a few teaspoons of these flakes at a time to the egg filling to avoid making the mixture too thick. Mix well between each addition and add more as needed, but be patient as those potato flakes need time to soften into the moist filling. Soon enough, no matter what method you choose, you'll have some ofthe creamiest deviled eggsaround.

How To Avoid A Runny Filling In The First Place

2 Easy Ways To Thicken Runny Deviled Egg Filling (3)

If your deviled egg filling ends up flat and runny instead of lifted and lush, don't panic, as you now have two simple fixes to that problem in your back pocket. Still, the absolute best deviled eggs save of all is avoiding the problem in the first place.So, to avoid future runny fillings, be diligent when mixing your ingredients. Always measure everything out, even if you know your deviled egg recipe by heart, as accidents happen to everyone. It might mean a few extra dishes, but that devilishly good end product will be worth it.

Next, don't make your deviled eggs too far in advance. Some of the ingredients used in the filling for deviled eggs have a high water content, and those proteins will break down over time, turning your eggs wet and runny. To avoid this, assemble your eggs just before serving them. If you have to make the filling in advance, two days early should be the absolute max, and you should prep and store your filling separately from your egg whites to help further preserve them. When it's time to serve, assemble your eggs as usual and the eggs should come out perfectly soft without any watery sheen.

If you still end up making any mistakes when cooking deviled eggs, know it's not the end of the world. That's exactly what your egg yolks and instant mashed potatoes are here for.

Read the original article on Daily Meal

2 Easy Ways To Thicken Runny Deviled Egg Filling (2025)


2 Easy Ways To Thicken Runny Deviled Egg Filling? ›

To thicken up runny deviled egg filling, adding in some extra egg yolks is the first easy fix to try. This method thickens up the base of the filling without altering the taste. Now for a more out-of-the-box (literally) fix, try mixing some instant mashed potatoes into your filling instead.

How do you keep deviled eggs from getting watery? ›

Luckily there is a handy trick to achieving the perfect filling consistency, aside from your egg cooking technique. And it's easy to do. To help absorb excess liquid, fold some potato flakes into the yolk mixture. A few spoonfuls of the dried flakes add starch and richness to the yolk mixture.

What can you use to thicken eggs? ›

If I could offer you only one piece of advice regarding scrambled eggs, it would be “Add cornstarch.” When whisked with a little cream to create a slurry, the common thickening agent produces the most tender, creamy, almost velvety pile of scrambled eggs.

How to make deviled eggs that aren t runny? ›

Follow this tip: Our favorite method is to cover the eggs with water, bring the water to a boil, and then let the eggs sit off the heat for about 10 minutes. This makes whites that are firm but still tender and yolks that are set but still creamy.

How to fix too much mayo in deviled eggs? ›

One way to ensure you get a good yolk-to-mayo ratio is to cook a few extra eggs. That way, you'll have extra yolks to balance a filling that has too much mayonnaise, and the extra yolks also make the filling creamier.

How to fix runny deviled egg filling? ›

While mixing instant mashed potato flakes into deviled egg filling might not be the first thing you think of, instant mashed potatoes are actually a common thickening agent, and with their mild flavor, they can mesh seamlessly into your filling.

How do you fix watery eggs? ›

If your pan is too hot, the eggs will cook too quickly, resulting in a watery texture. Lower the heat and cook the eggs slowly for optimal results.

What is a thickening agent for deviled eggs? ›

If you have a baby in the home, baby cereal can work as a thickener. Baby cereal is typically made from neutral-tasting rice, so using it shouldn't impact the flavor of your deviled eggs too heavily. Alternatively, if you really have nothing else to work with, all you need is more eggs.

Why do you add vinegar to deviled eggs? ›

A light-colored vinegar, like the white-wine vinegar we use in these creamy deviled eggs, brings a touch of acidity to the filling and balances the richness of the yolks and the mayonnaise.

How do you thicken runny egg mayo? ›

To fix this, add in another raw egg yolk and start whisking the mixture together. If the mixture starts to thicken after adding the yolk, that means it is working. Once this happens, you should start slowly adding more oil while continuously whisking.

What thickens mayonnaise? ›

Adding another raw egg yolk and whisking the mixture once again may be all you need to fix your homemade mayonnaise. This works because egg yolk is the ingredient that acts as the glue and helps the whipped oil stay in that light and creamy mayo state.

How to get rid of too much mustard in deviled eggs? ›

Add sweetness to your dish. Honey or maple syrup are great choices for counterbalancing mustard, but even just a spoonful of sugar will help.

How to keep deviled eggs from getting wet in the fridge? ›

If you won't be eating them right away, place into a container lined with folded paper towels and refrigerate. It's common for deviled eggs to "sweat" in the fridge, which can make them kinda soggy in a day or two. The paper towels will absorb the extra moisture and keep them fresh much longer!

How do you keep hard-boiled eggs from getting wet? ›

It's important to keep moisture to a minimum. Place the eggs in an airtight, hard-sided storage container. You can use a resealable storage bag if that's all you have on hand, but it's best to opt for something sturdier to keep the shells intact. Store the unpeeled hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for up to one week.


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