27 + DIYs to Make a Pinch Pot - Guide Patterns (2024)

Pinching is an age-old technique of making pottery by pressing the clay using one’s finger and thumb to give it an elegant and proper shape. Besides clay pots, this method is used to make animals, fruits, birds, and a lot of other things. Check out the tutorials that follow to get a clearer insight into this fantastic craft process.

1. DIY Mini Pinch Pot Planters

Combine two to three colors of clay and pinch them to create these magnificent pots.

2. Interesting Tutorial to Make a Pinch Pot

After you have molded the clay into the design of your choice, make shapes on it, with a bottle cap being apt for drawing out circles.

3. Easy Ceramic Pinch Pot Turtles

You could paint it in touches of light and deep green to replicate a real turtle.

You could go for a sleeping posture following the cues in the tutorial above. Paint in a shade of white and green, as shown in the picture below.

4. How to Make Pinch Pot Monsters

Add googly eyes and big teeth, by cutting white paper to make it look like a real monster.

5. DIY Pinch Pot Made Out of Clay

If you have many pinch pots at hand, make a lot of designs on them for a spectacular effect. It may range from round to square to rectangular, or anything else too.

27 + DIYs to Make a Pinch Pot - Guide Patterns (7)

6. Clay Pinch Pot Crafts for Beginners

7. Easy Way to Make a Pinch Pot

Your tot would have a blast in painting as he wishes against the white background.

8. Instruction to Make a Creative Marbled Pinch Pot

Mix the two colors well for the marbled appearance to come out appropriately.

9. Christmas Tree Pinch Pot DIY

You could make small snowflakes with clay, paint them in white and blue, and pit them on the pinch pot tree.

10. How to Make an Owl with Double Pinch Pot

This tutorial shows to make an owl as well as many other things by combining two pinch pots.

11. Pinch Pot Hedge Hog with Clay

12. Elephant Pinch Pot Ice Cream Bowl DIY

The ice cream bowl pattern on the elephant makes it perfect as a pen stand.

By following the directions in the tutorial above, you could model out a pig through the pinch pot technique. Paint it in pink, and add eyes to it for a realistic touch.

13. DIY Wall Mounted Pinch Pot

The mosaic pattern adds sophistication to the pinch pot.

14. Cute Mini Pinch Pot DIY

The combination of white and pink, with green grasses, gives it a natural charm.

You could make these pretty pots with clay molds, and paint them as per your choice. Finally, add cactus to it or make one using paper or felt.

15. How to Make a Pot Mug

Through the pinching method, lovely mugs like these can be designed.

16. How to Make a Pinch Pot Cat for Christmas

17. Pinch Pot Heart Tutorial

After making the circular mold, push your index to one side of the bowl for creating a heart shape. You could write something within with glitters for an enticing effect.

18. Turkey Pinch Pot DIY

The colorful touch added to the turkey gives it an appealing look to the fullest. This would serve as a beautiful centerpiece for Thanksgiving.

19. Interesting Idea to Make a Double Pinch Pot

The crucial part of this project lies in combining the pinch pots. For the opening to come neat, cut it gently with a knife.

20. Pineapple and Strawberry Pinch Pot Planters for Succulents DIY

If you desire to give your planters an innovative look, design them in the shapes of fruits, as seen in this tutorial.

21. Apple-shaped Pinch Pot with Lid

22. Pineapple Succulent Planters DIY

The back of the planter should be flat to help you glue the magnet to it. The diagonal lines in the same and opposite directions are to be done with perfection to get the proper shape.

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23. Small Pinch Pots DIY

You could leave them white or paint a part of it with the color of your choice, as shown above.

24. Clay Pinch Pot with Coil and Cupcake DIY

Pinching and coiling help making this lovely cake.

25. How to Make a Cute Homemade Fox Bowl With Air Dry Clay

26. Octopus Pinch Pot DIY

27. Pinch Pot Bird DIY

You could even make the mold in the form of an angry bird and paint in the colors of your choice.

You could make anything under the sun with a pinched pot like a cup, mug, planter, animals such as zebra, and giraffe, birds, fruits, and the list is endless. For beginners, grogged clay seems perfect as it helps to hold the shape without cracking it.

27 + DIYs to Make a Pinch Pot - Guide Patterns (2024)


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