Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (2024)

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There’s nothing like a good gluten free bread machine recipe to get the house smelling great. And to make you feel like you are on a “normal” diet!

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (1)

What happens when you give up wheat?

About 20+ years ago I learned that even though I liked wheat, it did not like me. And I have learned that I can never lose fat while eating foods that give me any kinds of health problems.

Even though I've found it easier to find deliciousgluten free dessert recipes, one of the toughest foods to do without is bread.

But I have good news for you--even on a gluten free diet, you can bake good bread! Home-baked, this gluten free bread machine recipe is much better than any store bought gluten free bread, in my opinion.

And there is nothing like the aroma of bread baking, that amazing scent wafting through your kitchen...

Here is a recipe I have used many times for my family. I have adapted it from Nicolette M. Dumke’s book, *Easy Bread Making for Special Diets.

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (2)

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Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe

This recipe works in all types of bread machines, not just those with a gluten free cycle.

If you are like me, and have a family who only eats gluten free foods, you will buy a couple extra bread machines, to make more loaves at one time.

If this is your first time baking gluten free bread, you should know that it will not turn out quite as light and fluffy as wheat bread. But I think it is every bit as delicious!

Gluten-Free Bread Machine/Gluten-Free Bread Maker

Do you need a gluten free setting on a bread machine?

Is a gluten-free bread maker necessary? In other words, do you need to have a special kind of bread maker to make this bread?

Fortunately, for this gluten free bread machine recipe, the answer is no.

I know there are probably some wonderful bread makers on the market that are especially good for baking gluten-free loaves of bread. And it is possible this bread recipe might work better in one.

But my family has been very happy with my results in an ordinary bread maker.

This evening, I served two loaves of this recipe at dinner, one made on the regular cycle, which turned out very dense. The other loaf was made with the whole wheat cycle, and was lighter, more spongy. One of my sons actually said he liked the more dense loaf better!

If you want to learn more about gluten-free bread makers, Amazon has a selection ofgluten-free bread machines.

Should you use a new or used bread machine?

If you have celiac disease or any kind of strong adverse reaction to gluten, you will want to find a brand-new, never-before-usedgluten-free bread maker to use, simply because you can be assured that it is clean and safe for you to use for cooking.

For me, when I developed this recipe, I actually went to a second-hand store and picked out some inexpensive used models that looked decent, found their user manuals online, and did fine.

Is it cheaper to make your own gluten free bread?


Yes, it is definitely less expensive to make your own gluten free bread from scratch at home.

You can especially save money if you grind your own rice flour.

How to make brown rice flour

I use a NutrimillClassic Grain Mill to grind our rice flour from whole grain brown rice. This gives us the freshest flour for less compared to buying pre-ground rice flour.

It is SUPER easy to grind flour with a Nutrimill.

Just scoop some rice in, turn the knob, and after a few minutes, you have your rice flour in the lower container.

I have also used a VitaMix blender to grind smaller batches of grain. You'll want to get a dry grains container for your Vitamix to do this, though. (I also really love my blender for making weight loss smoothies and Vitamix almond milk!).

Again, it is super simple to do!

Specialty Ingredients:

I've compiled a quick list of ingredients for you that may be hard to find in your local store. Ingredients such as:

Please note, this is NOT a complete ingredient list for this gluten free bread machine recipe, I just included things that might be more difficult to find locally.

Relax, Color & Start Organizing Your Recipes, Today!

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (3)

If you want a fun way to de-stress while organizing your recipes, check out this cute,printablecoloring-page recipe binder kitI've created for you.

It'll help you relax and unwind while organizing all your favorite recipes, beautifully!

Must-Have Resources:

When making this brown rice flour bread machine recipe, you'll really need to have the following tools on hand:

Make it a Meal:

Do you ever make a meal plan? I find it always makes my days go more smoothly, when I have a good plan. It stops so much decision fatigue!

Here are some simple gluten free recipe ideas I've assembled for you:

Main Dish: Homemade Sausage Recipe

Fermented Vegetable Side: Homemade Sauerkraut--see How to Make Sauerkraut(plan to start this a week or so ahead of time)

Refreshing Smoothie: Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe

Dessert: Best Apple Crisp Recipewith a warm cup of this herbal coffee.

Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe


Yield: 1 1/2 pound loaf - 16 servings

Author: Eileen

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (4)

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe

Prep time: 15 MCook time: 3 H & 40 MTotal time: 3 H & 55 M

This gluten-free bread machine recipe uses brown rice flour as its main ingredient.


Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe | Brown Rice Bread

  • 1 1/2 cups filtered water
  • 3 Tablespoons oil
  • 3 Tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt
  • 1 Tablespoon xanthan gum
  • 2 3/4 cups brown rice flour
  • 3/4 cup tapioca flour
  • 2 1/4 teaspoon Active Dry Yeast



  1. 1. Add ingredients in the order listed. Sprinkle the yeast very evenly over the other ingredients.
  2. 2. For a quicker (but heavier) loaf, run the “dough” setting for 20-40 minutes, till the loaf has risen fairly well.
  3. 3. When the dough cycle is complete, manually change the bread maker to the bake setting (it should bake for 1 hour). Total time in the bread maker will be about 2 1/3 hours, depending on how long you let it run in the dough cycle.
  4. 4. For a lighter loaf, run the bread maker on the whole wheat setting (this takes about 3 hours and 40 minutes).



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)

Get more delicious Gluten-Free/Dairy Free recipes like this to feel better! Click "Next" now!

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (7)

Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (8)

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  2. Healthy Eating Guidelines
  3. Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe

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Gluten Free Bread Machine Recipe-Brown Rice Flour Bread Machine Recipe (2024)


Can you use brown rice flour instead of gluten-free flour? ›

Brown Rice Flour is 100% stone ground from the highest quality whole grain brown rice and has a mild, nutty flavor. Use this versatile gluten free flour as breading, for thickening sauces and gravies, and in gluten free baking recipes like brown rice flour pancakes, muffins and gluten free bread.

Do breadmakers work for gluten-free bread? ›

All I had to do was put everything into the machine and push a button. So for those of you who've been wondering if a) our gluten-free sandwich bread can be made in a bread machine; and/or b) if gluten-free bread turns out just as delicious when made in a bread machine, the answer is a resounding yes!

Does brown rice flour rise? ›

Remember that rice flour does not rise as well as gluten-containing flours, so you may need to add extra leavening agents or use a smaller pan size.

Why is rice flour used in gluten-free bread? ›

Baking gluten-free bread is a unique challenge because it requires replacing traditional wheat flour with alternative flours to create a bread that holds together and tastes good. White rice flour, known for its mild flavor and fine texture, serves as the perfect base for our experiments.

Can celiacs eat brown rice flour? ›

Yes, all rice (in its natural form) is gluten-free. Rice is one of the most popular gluten-free grains for people with celiac disease. Many gluten-free packaged goods are made with rice flour instead of wheat flour.

Does brown rice flour need xanthan gum? ›

Increase 2 tsp. of xanthan gum for each cup of rice flour used for the cooking process that needs gluten, like bread or cakes. Brown rice flour can be replaced by common wheat flours in few arrangements, particularly paste thickeners such as roux. It has a stronger, crunchier taste than typical wheat flours.

Why is my gluten-free bread so dense in bread machine? ›

Dense loaf- you may need to use more liquid, gluten free dough is usually wetter than regular wheat flour dough resembling a thick brownie batter. How much liquid is enough in a recipe ultimately depends not on formulas but in observation. You may need more or less liquid than the recipe specifies.

What is the trick to making good gluten-free bread? ›

Tips and Techniques to make better Gluten Free Bread
  1. Use psyllium husk powder.
  2. Let the dough rest (not exactly the same as a bulk proof)
  3. Mix or knead thoroughly.
  4. Use less yeast.
  5. Bake in a tin with tall sides.
  6. Bake for longer, often at a lower temperature.
  7. Create steam in the oven.
  8. Use the tangzhong or scalded flour method.

What is the biggest challenge of making gluten-free bread? ›

One of the main challenges in making gluten-free bread is achieving the same texture and rise as traditional wheat bread.

What are the disadvantages of brown rice flour? ›

However, it might cause digestive problems such as bloating and diarrhoea for those who have sensitive digestive systems. Since brown rice has the bran and germ intact, its flour also contains the same. The bran and germ can also irritate the digestive tract, causing constipation, gas troubles, and leaky gut syndrome.

How does brown rice flour affect baking? ›

It's very fine with a slightly gritty texture and a mild, toasty flavor. It contains no gluten and cannot be utilized in the traditional ways we use wheat flour. However, it can enhance crispness in cookies or lightness in cakes. It's also useful in savory dishes.

Can you use brown rice flour for baking? ›

The brown variety of rice flour is denser and has a deeper, nuttier taste, while rice flour has a very light texture and neutral flavor. When baking a recipe with brown rice flour, I typically need to add a little more egg or liquid to account for the extra texture that brown rice flour adds.

What flour is best for gluten-free bread? ›

Best for Bread: Judee's All-Purpose Gluten-Free Bread Flour

The blend of tapioca, potato and corn starch, plus rice and corn flour, has a neutral flavor. The dough also has sugar and salt added, so most recipes require only adding yeast, oil and water.

What is the purpose of vinegar in gluten-free bread? ›

Apple cider vinegar or another acid lightens up the dough. You can add up to 4 Tbsp of acid for 500 g gluten-free flour. Don't worry, you won't be able to taste it afterwards. To lighten up a yeast dough even more, you can add a packet of baking powder or cream of tartar baking powder to 500 g flour.

Why is rice flour not used in bread? ›

The paper states that adding rice flour to bread decreases the content of raw gluten, elasticity, hydration capacity, and extensibility of the dough.

Can you substitute rice flour for gluten-free? ›

Yes, with some consideration. Rice flour is ground from regular white rice or from brown rice. Rice flour is used in many recipes, including baked goods, because it's gluten-free.

What can you use instead of gluten-free plain flour? ›

Here are 16 other flour substitutes you can use for baking gluten-free goodies, and how they work.
  • Buckwheat. Despite the name (which can scare off people), buckwheat is gluten-free and works well as a flour alternative. ...
  • Millet flour. ...
  • Sorghum flour. ...
  • Amaranth flour. ...
  • Black beans. ...
  • Chickpea flour. ...
  • Coconut flour. ...
  • Teff flour.
Aug 24, 2022

Can you use rice flour for gluten free baking? ›

White rice, brown rice and sweet rice flour are all commonly used in gluten free baking. These flours are made from rice so like white rice and brown rice (sweet rice, black rice etc), each flour is a little different.


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