How Long You Can Keep Homemade Pickled Beets In The Fridge (2024)

emmy schneider-green

·2 min read

How Long You Can Keep Homemade Pickled Beets In The Fridge (1)

Homemade pickled beets are a far cry from the syrupy, often overly sweet canned variety you might find at the store, and are an easy way to add scores of flavor and color to your meals or enjoy as a snack on their own.Skeptical? If you're still envisioning the store-bought jars of mushy pieces floating in a suspiciously technicolor red liquid, think again.

For thousands of years, people have been preserving and pickling produce for future enjoyment. During the quick pickling process (different than fermentationor canning), an acidic base -- usually some combo of sugar, salts, vinegar, and water -- is poured over the produce you're preserving. Thisacidity slows down the process of decay and prolongs the lifespan, but it doesn't make fresh foods last forever.

To enjoy them at their best and freshest, store your pickled beets in the refrigerator and plan to use them within a maximum ofthree months, or ideally within several weeks.Always keep an eye out for signs they've passed their prime before that though.Once they past the few weeks mark, be on the lookout for any changes in color, smell, or texture, or of course, any spots of mold, all of which indicate it's time to toss.

Read more: 10 Produce Storage Mistakes To Avoid

Use Your Pickled Beets Before They Turn

How Long You Can Keep Homemade Pickled Beets In The Fridge (2)

As is the case with any DIY pickling or fermentation, proper safety measures are paramount with pickled beets. Always practice safety measures like using sterilized equipment and jars in the prep process, and be sure to store the pickled root veg in the fridge (in the case of canned beets,a totally different method than quick pickling, different prep and storage rules apply.)

Your pickled beets will have a relatively short lifespan, which shouldn't be an issue considering how delicious they are in a variety of dishes. Enjoy them straight out of the jar, or atop salads to add tang and gut-healthy probiotics and minerals like iron and potassium.Think outside the box and incorporate them into your cheese boards, where they'll provide striking color and interest to any spread. Or add a layer of them to liven up any sandwich or wrap.

Try making your own pickled beets out of golden varieties (these require less clean-up than red beets, which can be messy and stain cutting boards and knives). Or to change up the typical presentation, try shredding the roots into fine strips and pickling for a sauerkraut-inspired taketo enjoy in salads or bowls, or to dress up that avocado toast.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.

How Long You Can Keep Homemade Pickled Beets In The Fridge (2024)


How Long You Can Keep Homemade Pickled Beets In The Fridge? ›

Store in the refrigerator for about 1 to 3 months. As with any recipe, use your best discretion when it comes to if the food is still good. If the recipe is discolored or starts to smell off, or different than the first week it was made, it should be discarded.

How long do homemade pickled beets last in the fridge? ›

To enjoy them at their best and freshest, store your pickled beets in the refrigerator and plan to use them within a maximum of three months, or ideally within several weeks. Always keep an eye out for signs they've passed their prime before that though.

How long do beets keep in the fridge? ›

Store beets in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at or below 41 °F for 7 to 10 days. Beets may be frozen for up to ten months. For best quality and nutritive value, preserve only what your family can consume in 12 months. Select deep, uniformly red, tender, young beets, no more than 3 inches across.

How long after pickling beets can you eat them? ›

Wait 24 hours before eating the pickled beets for the best flavor results. The longer you wait, the more intense the flavor they will get. Make sure your jars are completely clean and sterilized before using them. Depending on the size of the beets, you may need more or less to fill the jars.

How long do fermented beets last in the fridge? ›

The health benefits of fermented foods are well established, and they're tasty to boot! If you're lucky enough to have a bumper crop of beets, try this easy recipe. n Once beets are fermented, store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Do beets go bad in the fridge? ›

Store the greens in a storage container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Enjoy the beet greens sauteed or raw in a salad. Store the whole beets unwashed in a plastic bag in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

How long do pickled last in the fridge? ›

"As long as the pickles are kept cold, they can last upwards of 75 days unopened in the fridge," Andre shares. Once opened, any pickles should be stored in the fridge, submerged in brine, to maintain freshness for at least up to three months, according to the USDA.

Can pickled beets go bad in the fridge? ›

To enjoy them at their best and freshest, store your pickled beets in the refrigerator and plan to use them within a maximum of three months, or ideally within several weeks. Always keep an eye out for signs they've passed their prime before that though.

How do you know if beets have gone bad? ›

Like another root vegetable, discard the beets immediately if you notice any changes in color or texture. Soft spots and color changes indicate they are no longer safe to consume. If the beets have an off smell or slimy texture when you cook them, this is another indication that it's time to throw them out.

How long until beets go bad? ›

If you keep them whole and unwashed in the refrigerator, they can last for two months. After cooking the beets, they will only be good for a couple of days in an airtight container in the fridge. For long-term storage, consider pickling the beets.

What happens if you eat a lot of pickled beets? ›

Possible downsides. Depending on how they're made, some varieties of pickled beets may pack salt and added sugars ( 23 , 24 ). Research links excess sugar and salt intake to poor health and an increased risk of illnesses like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Who should not eat pickled beets? ›

Cooked, fermented, or pickled beets retain much of their nutritious value, although some of the nitrites and other nutrients may be lost during preparation (13, 18, 19, 20). Canned and pickled beets likely contain high amounts of sodium, so if it's heart health you're after, these choices should be limited.

Is it OK to eat pickled beets every day? ›

The answer is yes! Pickled beets can offer several potential health benefits. If you want to boost your fiber intake or get more antioxidants in your diet, pickled beets may be a good option. Just remember to watch your sodium intake, as some brands of pickled beets can be high in sodium.

How do you make beets last longer in the fridge? ›

How to Store Beets
  1. Cut. Cut the greens off the tops of fresh beets, leaving 2 inches of stem.
  2. Seal unwashed beets in a Glad® Zipper 2-in-1 Gallon Bag.
  3. Squeeze. Squeeze as much air as possible out of the bag.
  4. Place in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.

Are pickled beets healthy? ›

Yes, it turns out pickled beets are still a good source of a variety of vitamins and minerals, all of which support a healthy immune system, adequate nutrient and oxygen flow, nitrate, and help to protect the body against oxidative stress.

How long do beets last in the fridge after cooking? ›

Storing cooked or roasted beets (how long do they last)

Cooked beets also need to be stored in the refrigerator. They will keep for 5-7 days in an airtight container.

How long can you keep homemade pickled? ›

How long do refrigerator pickles last? Homemade refrigerated pickles last at least three to four weeks in the fridge, McClellan says. Any longer and the quality will start to decline. You'll notice the brine goes from clear to murky and cloudy, and the pickles start to lose their texture.

How long do cooked beets in vinegar last in the fridge? ›

How long will pickled beets keep in the refrigerator? Depending on the recipe, anywhere from two to six weeks. I recommend these pickled beets are eaten within two weeks of making, however I am probably being very conservative and they will likely last longer than that.


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