Manage Provider Profiles (2024)


This page allows you to create provider profiles in athenaClinicals, enabling providers to use a single login username and password to access athenaOne. All usernames associated with a provider are mapped to the profile, but providers use only one username to log in to athenaOne. Provider profiles are also used in conjunction with the EPCS Enrollment feature.

How do I get to this page?

On the Main Menu, click Settings Manage Provider Profiles (2) > User. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Providers, click Provider Profiles

Practices that do not use the One Provider Username feature:

On the Main Menu, click Settings Manage Provider Profiles (3) > Billing. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Providers, click Provider Profiles

User access and permissions

Only athenaEnterprise organizations with multiple provider groups can use the One Provider Username feature.

The One Provider Username (1PUN) feature has been enabled by default for new clients since Release16.3. We cannot enable 1PUN functionality for legacy tablespaces, that is, clients who contracted with athenahealth before Release16.3.

To access the Manage Provider Profiles page, you must have the Superuser permission or the Provider Profile Account Configuration Admin role.

  • The Superuser permission grants a read-only view of the page.
  • The Provider Profile Account Configuration Admin role grants the ability to make changes to the page.

Step-by-step procedures

To manage provider profiles

For a provider to use one username to access specialty-specific encounter reasons, the provider must have more than one provider record in athenaOne, with a different specialty for at least one provider record.

  1. Display the Manage Provider Profiles page: On the Main Menu, click Settings Manage Provider Profiles (7) > User. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Providers, click Provider Profiles.
  2. Click edit next to a profile.
    The provider profile appears at the top of the page.
  3. Provider — The provider's name appears automatically.
  4. Date of Birth — The provider's date of birth appears automatically.
  5. Usernames — All usernames associated with this provider appear, along with the scheduling name, NPI, provider group, and other information associated with each username.
  6. In which provider groups does this provider render patient care? — Select the provider groups and departments in which the provider renders care.
    Note: You see this option or the following option on the Manage Provider Profiles page.
  7. In which departments does this provider render patient care? — Select the provider groups and departments in which the provider renders care.
    Note: You see this option or the previous option on the Manage Provider Profiles page.
  8. In which departments' provider drop-downs should this provider appear? — Select the departments in which the provider should appear in the provider drop-down menu.
  9. To which providers' data should this provider have access? — Select the providers who should allow access to their data. (Appears only if your practice has the Provider-based Data Permissions feature enabled.)
  10. Click Save.
    Note: You can configure custom settings for the provider's profile, but athenahealth does not recommend it.

To resolve inconsistencies between usernames in a provider profile

When you click edit next to a provider name on the Manage Provider Profiles page, a Profile Issues list may appear. This list can include one or more of these messages:

  • Some usernames' roles differ from the login username.
  • Some usernames' access to provider data differs from the login username.
  • Providers can create encounters in the wrong provider group.
  • Providers can appear on drop-downs in the wrong provider group.

If these inconsistencies were unintentional, you can resolve them using the Resolve button that is located below the Profile Issues list.

If you click the Resolve button, the issues are resolved as follows:

  • Roles — All roles for all usernames associated with the provider profile are merged. The merged set of roles applies to all the usernames for the provider and is equal to the role with the highest permissions.
  • Provider data — The data access for all usernames is merged, and the merged set applies to all the usernames for the provider.
  • User access to departments — Access to any department that is invalid to access is removed. However, any username in the profile that is allowed to access that department can do so.
  • Provider drop-downs: Providers are removed from the drop-down menus of any invalid departments. However, any username in the profile that is allowed to appear on that department's menus can do so.

Note: We understand that you may have reasons to keep provider usernames distinct. In such cases, you do not need to merge provider information, and you can continue to configure and maintain provider roles for individual usernames.

Features and workflows

Providers who belong to more than one provider group have at least one username and password stored in athenaOne for each provider group. With the One Provider Username feature, athenaOne assigns each provider a new record type — the provider profile — that ties the usernames together. All usernames associated with a provider are mapped to the provider profile and can be seen on the Manage Provider Profiles page.

Note: You can create a provider profile only for users configured on the Providers page.

When a provider profile is configured for a provider:

  • The provider uses one set of credentials to log in to athenaOne for all departments and provider groups.
  • The provider has one merged set of roles based on the roles assigned to the different usernames. The merged set of roles applies to all the usernames for the provider and is equal to the role with the highest permissions.
  • The provider maintains separate rows in the Clinical Inbox associated with each username based on permissions.

If your practice is interested in using the One Provider Username feature, please contact athenahealth to learn more (this change requires a special project). Additionally, please create a support case (by selecting Support > Create Case or Call in the Main Menu) to request this feature. In general, athenahealth requires 4weeks to convert your practice to using the One Provider Username feature.

Configuring providers to use provider profiles

To use provider profiles, configure each provider as follows.

  1. Create the provider username on the Users page.
  2. Create the provider record on the Providers page. Make sure that the username on the Providers page matches the username on the Users page.
  3. Use the Manage Provider Profiles page to grant the new provider access to provider groups and departments, department provider drop-down menus, and provider data.

User provisioning

The Manage Provider Profiles page makes it easy to give and maintain provider access to provider groups, departments, provider drop-down menus, and provider data.

  • Provider groups/departments: Select or deselect provider groups and departments to adjust provider access.
    • Selecting a provider group grants access to all departments within that provider group.
    • Selecting a department grants access to the corresponding provider group, as well.
    • Granting access to a provider group that the provider did not previously have access to automatically generates a new username. This username is not given a password, and the provider will not need to use the username to log in.
  • Provider drop-downs: Select or deselect departments where the provider should appear in provider drop-down menus.
  • Provider data: Select or deselect providers to allow access to those providers' data.

Update provider information on the Manage Provider Profiles page

When you use the One Provider Username feature, you should update the following provider information on the Manage Provider Profiles page, as described in this section.

To create a provider record in a new provider group

Instead of using the Providers page, select the provider group for the provider profile on the Manage Provider Profiles page (use the In which provider groups does this provider render patient care? field).

To grant a provider access to a department

Instead of using the User Access to Departments page, select the department for the provider profile on the Manage Provider Profiles page (use the In which departments does this provider render patient care? field).

To add a provider to the Provider drop-down menus of departments

Instead of using the Provider Drop-Downs page, select the departments for the provider profile on the Manage Provider Profiles page (use the In which departments' provider drop-downs should this provider appear? field).

To grant a provider access to another provider's data

Instead of using the User Access to Provider Data page, select the providers for the provider profile on the Manage Provider Profiles page (use the To which providers' data should this provider have access? field).

Designated username

Providers can have multiple usernames stored in athenaOne but need only the designated login username to log in to athenaOne. The designated login username appears in bold type on the Manage Provider Profiles page. Practice administrators can manage the profiles on the Manage Provider Profiles page to make sure that there is a one-to-one mapping of providers to profiles.

Updating blank Username fields on the Providers page

If the Username field is blank on the Providers page, provider profiles do not work correctly. If your practice uses the One Provider Username feature, update a blank Username field on the Providers page. The Username you enter on the Providers page also appears on the Manage Provider Profiles page.

Note: If a username already exists in the provider record, you cannot change it.

Best practice

Before you enable the One Provider Username feature, make sure that each provider has a username and a provider record on the Providers page, and that the two are tied together.

User preferences consolidated for all usernames

If your practice uses the One Provider Username feature, athenaOne consolidates the provider preferences of all usernames associated with the provider profile. When you set the preferences for the designated login username on the User Preferences page, these preferences are applied to all your athenaOne usernames.

Note: The designated login username is the username that you use to log in to athenaOne. On the Manage Provider Profiles page, this username appears in bold type.

My Configuration options appear in a single view

If your practice uses the One Provider Username feature, providers with multiple usernames see all configured items for all their usernames on the following pages:

  • My Text Macros
  • Manage My Order Sets
  • My Saved Findings
  • Manage My Encounter Plans

Note: Order delegations are not merged when you configure provider profiles. In the Clinical Inbox, providers see one row for each of their usernames based on permissions.

You access these pages from the My Configurations list: On the Main Menu, click Settings Manage Provider Profiles (21) > On the left side of the menu, locate the page under "My Configurations."

The settings of most of these items are merged so that, for example, all order sets associated with each username are associated with the login username, and any duplicates are deleted.

Exception for saved findings: For each saved finding, the name, type, and username must be unique. Therefore, if a profile contains multiple saved findings with the same name and type, the merge process adds "_#" to the end of the name of the saved finding (for example, 'sf_1' and 'sf_2').<![CDATA[]]>

EPCS and provider profiles

When the EPCS feature is enabled for your practice, athenahealth creates a prescriber profile for each DEA-registered prescriber, with a single login username and password to access athenaOne. Prescribers enrolled in EPCS use their prescriber profile username when they sign in to athenaOne, and when signing and sending controlled substance prescriptions electronically.

Practice administrators can manage the profiles on the Manage Provider Profiles page to ensure a one-to-one mapping of prescribers to profiles. All usernames associated with a prescriber are mapped to the profile, but prescribers use only one username to log in to athenaOne.

Important: As your practice adds new prescribers, practice administrators must configure them to use prescriber profiles on the Manage Provider Profiles page.

Field Reference

Edit Provider Profile

The provider's name appears automatically.

Date of Birth

The provider's date of birth appears automatically.

Usernames All usernames associated with this provider appear.
In which provider groups does this provider render patient care?

Select the provider groups and departments in which this provider renders care.

Note: You see this option or the following option on the Manage Provider Profiles page.

In which departments does this provider render patient care?

Select the provider groups and departments in which this provider renders care.

Note: You see this option or the previous option on the Manage Provider Profiles page.

In which departments' provider drop-downs should this provider appear? Select the departments in which this provider should appear in the provider drop-down menu.
To which providers' data should this provider have access? Select the providers who should allow access to their data by this provider.
Provider Profiles table

The provider name associated with this profile.

Date of Birth

The provider date of birth associated with this profile.

NPI The NPI for the provider.
Specialties The specialties associated with this provider profile.
Provider Groups The provider groups associated with this provider profile.
Scheduling Names The scheduling names associated with each username.
Usernames The usernames associated with this provider profile.

Related Topics

© 2024 athenahealth, Inc. All rights reserved. These materials constitute Confidential Business Information of athenahealth, Inc. subject to the non-disclosure provisions of the athenahealth Services Agreement, and are provided for the internal use of athenahealth customers only.

Manage Provider Profiles (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.