Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908. ELMIRA ST PAGE FOUR. AS GREATEST PLAY For Ten Years Marvellous Production Has Held Attention of Public- It Appeals to All Classes. "Ber Hur," produced originally at the Broadway Theater, New November 1899, continuing career of triumph and in this, its tenth year, it promises to be even more successful than during any previous season. Adniration and liking for this superb production of Messrs.

Klaw Erlanger have grown apace until it has become a matter of wonder to the theatrical world, as well as the public. Not only does "Ben appeal to the constant playgoer, who sees almost all productions, but in an even greater degree it appeals to the religious devotee, and at every performance of the Wallace- Young drama the audience contains more than a sprinkling of persons who have never before been within the walls of a playhouse. Ministers of the Gospel and zealots of the religious world mingle with men and women who are present merely for the pleasure derived from the marvelous pictures unfolded before them, and conscious only of the exciting events that make up the story of Judah, the Prince of Hur. It is this inexplicable hold which the play has on all minds that has made "Ben the greatest drama of the age; the most successful play of all times. The drama has been praised from.

pulpits and in religious periodicals; it has met unqualified approval from stern-faced divines and from meek and workers; it has created furors hearts of the most lowly, worldly minded; it has caused the most biase to "sit up and take notice;" and critics have fallen under the charm of its beauty and its spell of solemnity. At the Lyceum Theater on Sept, 28th, 29th and 30th will be disclosed the most magnificent production yet given of the Wallace romance. Indeed, this present equipment is said to be the most expensive ever provided a spectacle. A special matinee has been scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, September 30. This will be especially pleasing news to ladies and children who take the deepest delight in the wondrous scenes and enchanting music of this stirring Biblical romance.

Fresh from the gardens of the finest tea-producing country in the world (the Island of Ceylon), "Salada" Tea is sold only in sealed lead packets, thus preserving its delicious flavor and aroma. WHY NOT HAVE A PRETTY FIGURE Women who desire to have a pretty figure can do so by wearing a H. W. Brassiere. At least you can improve your figure by their wear.

Come in and try one on at Miss Sheehan's, 122 East Water street, foot of State. Southside Mrs. Frank R. Cleveland of Buffalo is visiting Mr. Cleveland's sister Mrs.

Pearl I. Love of Pleasant street. -Charles Gerard and Mrs. Margaret Deegan returned Saturday after a two weeks' visit with Miss Deegan's mother in Dushore, Pa. -W.

H. Fryer, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James B. Shepard of 714 Kinyon street has returned to his home in Montreal, Canada.

0000000004 The Figure How Too Much Fat May Be Safely Reduced at Home. that this too, too solid flesh would melt!" cry the ladies nowadays as they try to squirm into a princess frock. How much would the too erously proportioned dame not give for four inches less in the waistup line as she compares herself with the fortunate one hundred and more twenty-five-pound sister. Various devices are suggested to arrest the flesh producing tendency and keep the figtrim, including exercising, walkure ing and dieting as well as numerous remedies, but there are obpatented to all of these. Exercising is jections hard work and takes up precious time; dieting is distasteful and a real punishment, and most of the patent remedies are dangerous to health.

The very best thing for the overfat, whether male or female, is a simple home receipt: oZ. Marmola, oZ. Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic, 3 oz. Peppermint Water, which can be obtained of any druggist at small cost. This should be teaspoonful at a time after taken, "and at bedtime, and results will be both speedy and certain.

This is a harmless mixture that cannot bring on any stomach troubles nor cause the dried-up wrinkled appearance of those who starve or take "patent contrary, reducers" although to get it often thin. takes On the fat off at the rate of a pound a day, it is really very beneficial to the system, cleansing the blood and causing the complexion to become fair and beautiful. The cost of the three ingredients is a mere bagatelle, and one may, if they prefer, get them separately and mix them together at home. M. SONIC NOTICE The Royal Arch degree will be exemplified this evening at 8 o'clock under the direction of Grand Leeturer George McGown at the district convention of Royal Arch Masons in session in this city today (Thursday).

All Royal Arch Masons cordially invited. MRS. KIDDERS RECEPTION at Bundy Hall this evening. McHenry's Orchestra. Star-Gazette advertisers are up-todate and responsible.

They "make good" on their announcements. "DORCAS" ENJOYS A GREAT RUN RORICK'S SEASON NEARS CLOSE This Week's Bill Hits Popular Chord -Regret Expressed That Only Few More Performances RemainMiss Isleib to Sing Special Number at the Saturday Matinee. "Dorcas" is enjoying a great run at Rorick's Glen. This week's bill is one of the most popular of the entire season and there are many people who claim that this is the best production that the company has given this entire season. Last night a large audience was present and the advanced sale of reserved seats at the C.

H. Calkins Drug Company indicates big houses for the remainder of the week. There are still some choice seats left but it behooves everyone that wants to enjoy "Dorca" to get busy and not waste any time if they desire reserved seats. There is a general regret on the part of the public that the Rorick's season is so near to closing. With the present delightful weather Rorick's is at its best and the patrons wish that the season could be extended.

The Saturday afternoon matinee promises to be a most popular feature. entire show will be given complete and as there are a number of picnic parties for that day there doubtless will be a large crowd. In response to a large number of requests Miss Josephine Isleib, the prima donna who is doing such excellent work this week, will sing "Suwanee and her rendition of this beautiful old song doubtless will draw hundreds of people to the theater. ALL READY FOR THE FAIR WILL BE BEST EVER HELD A meeting of the directors of the Chemung County Fair Association was held yesterday afternoon in the offices of Secretary Charles Lattin and all plans completed for opening of the fair Tuesday. One of the directors after the meeting stated that it will be the most wholesome and genuinely attractive fair that has been held here in years.

An effort has been made to improve the character and scope of the exhibits with the result that there will be a greater number of high class exhibits from the farms of Chemung County than ever. YOUNG ELMIRA HEIGHTS GIRL WINS VALUABLE SCHOLARSHIP Only Fourteen Years Old Miss Gladys Mason Carries Off Honors in Competition in Ithaca Conservatory of Music- Has Much Talent. Miss Gladys Mason of Elmira Heights has won a free scholarship in the Ithaca Conservatory of Music and will take up work there at once. Miss Mason is but 14 years old but is considered one the promising young violinists of the city, in fact her tutors believe her a marvel who will make a place for herself among violin players. She has been a pupil of Professor Albert Krug who has given her the instructions which made it possible for her to gain the honor, anaM, Mrs.

and Mrs. Jerry E. Rhoades Vaughan left and this Mr. morning for the Toronto, Canada, fair, over the Lackawanna Railroad. -Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Smith and son of Pine City have gone to the Toronto, Canada, fair. They will also stop at Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Warsaw before returning home.

-Miss Amy Botsford has returned after a month's visit in Williamsport, Jersey Shore and vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gates of are visiting Mr. and Walnut, street, Place at the New Wellesley Hotel in Thousand Island Park.

-Mrs. C. S. Jones who has been seriously ill at her home on West Gray street is now convalescent. Wilhelmina Mencing of Madison avenue has returned to New Jersey to resume teaching.

-Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Polley expect to return Saturday evening from an extended trip to Hartford, New York City and Newton, N. J. -Mr.

and Mrs. Charles M. Volker have returned home after a visit to Mrs. Volker's brother Charles F. Steigmeier of Oneonta.

They also visited Cooperstown and Otsego: Lake. -Miss Mary Keek of 145 West Water street has returned after a ten day's business trip to New York City. -Miss Lucy Ryll of Roe avenue is spending two weeks with relatives and friends in Schenectady. -J. H.

Ruddick of Washington street has returned from a visit in Canada. -Soloman Meyerfield of Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Myer Friendly of West Church street. -George P. Trout of Brockport has returned from attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs.

Clarissa Moore. -Mrs. Curtis Thurston who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George S.

Crandall returned to her home in Athens, last evening. -Mrs. W. G. Sweet of Lormore street and her uncle G.

Clark Nichols of Williamsport, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sweet of Belmont, returned home Monday evening. -Michael Lydon of New York City, formerly of this city, has returned to his home after a visit to friends in Elmira. -Mrs.

Soloman Miller and daughter of Starkey have returned home after a visit to Mrs. Miller's cousin, Miss Phoebe Knapp of this city. -Girard Angell of West Fourth street is spending a few days in Penn Yan where he will attend the Yates County Fair. -Mrs. J.

M. Lumbard of Sullivan street is visiting friends in Binghamton. -Mrs. S. E.

Coles and daughter Miss Inez of Mansfield, stopped over in Elmira for a few hours last evening. They are on their way to New York City where they will visit Miss Coles' friend Miss Gladys Clark of Fifth avenue. Miss Coles will leave New York Saturday for Saybrook, where she teach in the Saybrook High School. -Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin Gardner of West Water street who had been calling on Mrs. Gardner's brother on Spencer Hill have returned home. -Mr. and Mrs. A.

O. Adams of Cascade Locks, Oregon, who had been spending several months at the home In a Social Way HILFIGER REUNION. The tenth annual reunion of the Hilfiger family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hilfiger, near Job's Corners Saturday, September 5, 1908.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Hilfiger, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Lewis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hakes, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Roberts and family, Mr and Mrs. Edward Hakes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Hilfiger, Mr.

and Mrs. Daniel Lanterman and son, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hilfiger, Mr. and Mrs.

L. W. Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. C.

Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Barrett and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Loney Hiifger, Misses Vena Garrison, Eliza Prutsman and Edith Dunning, Roe Hilfiger, Frank Hilfiger, Austin Prutsman.


At a recent meeting of the South Elmira Baptist W. C. T. U. the following officers were elected: President, Mrs.

Loin Holly; first vice president, Mrs. Bula Satterlee; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Rose Thayrecording secretary, Miss Luella Weed; treasurer, Mrs. Lucy Minier. FIRST "AT HOME." Mr.

and Mrs. Irving D. Booth gave their first "at home" yesterday afternoon and evening in their new home, 631 West Church street. The house was prettily decorated with white asters and greenery. Mrs.

H. L. Seeley and Mrs. Irving D. Booth, received with Mrs.

Irving D. Booth, jr. Those who assisted were Miss Nan Seeley, Mrs. Alexander Diven, Mrs. Wilfred I.

Booth and Mrs. John Dowell. Mrs. Leonard Whittier and Miss Vieva Diven were at the punch bowl. Those who assisted in the dining room were: Miss Eugenia Diven, Miss Fanny Farrington, Miss Helen Whittier and Miss Florence Ayer.

L. T. L. UNION. The members of Phillips Loyal Temperance Union will meet this evening at the home of Mrs.

M. T. Ross of 357 Columbia street. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT. Mr.

and Mrs. William E. Thomas of Oak street announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Annie Laurie Thomas to Charles Orrin Wheeler of Horseheads. The wedding will take place in October. LOOP-JOHNSON.

LOOP-JOHNSON. At the home of the bride's mother Mrs. Emma Loop, 216 Sutton street, at 8:30 o'clock last evening in the pres- AND LEADING DRY GOODS STORE ELMIRA'S LARGEST SHEEHAN, DEAN CO. he and These as Dress the advertised. goods descriptions Goods are Mail by are guaranteed orders Mail accurate will to be carefully and intelligently filled.

136-138-140-142 WEST WATER ST. of their daughter Mrs. C. L. co*ke of Grove street have returned home in the West.

En route they will visit at St. Charles and Minneapolis, Minn. H. P. Lehman and son Lewis returned Monday after spending a week in Cohocton.

-Mrs. M. E. Havens of 711 Johnson street was in Corning Tuesday on a business trip. -Mrs.

George H. Young and sister Miss Leonore Trahey have been called to Wellsboro on account of the death of their aunt, Mrs. Mary Sullivan. -The following young people spent Labor Day at the home of Miss Anna Beckhorn in Millerton, Misses Harriett Griswold, Grace Griswold, Effie Jewell, Messrs. Claude Lyon, William Kidder, Ray Smith, Edwin Tiel.

-Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Schmidt and daughter Katherine of Baldwin street leave today to attend the Schmidt family reunion.

-Miss Lucy Bacon, who for the past year was studying music in Berlin, leaves tonight for Westminster, Maryland, where she has accepted a position as teacher of piano in Western Maryland College. -Miss Florence Bach of Wellsburg spent Labor Day with Miss Florence Fisher of East Church street. -Mrs. William Sperl of West Clinton street has returned home month's visit to Mrs. Charles afterikes in Rochester.

--Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton W. Brown, Miss Brown and the guest, the Rev. C.

Harold Fitch of Sheffield, England, returned from a. trip on the Hudson and in the Adirondacks, where they have been visiting Dr. Wilton Merle Smith. PILLS AND PILES. A prolific cause of Piles is the use of cathartics and pills of a drastic, violent nature, which is always followed by a reaction on account of the resinous, drying properties they contain.

There are other causes, but no matter what the cause or what kind of Piles, Dr. Leonhardt's Hemcan be relied upon to cure to stay cured. It's an internal remedy that removes the causes of Itching, Blind, Bleding or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee goes with each package containing a month's treatment. It can be obtained for $1.00 at Gerity Elmira, N.

of Dr. Leonhardt Station Buffalo, N. Y. BACK IN ELMIRA HEALTH IMPROVED Chester R. Converse of the Barker, Rose Clinton Company, who has been ill for a long time and who for several months was in a Philadelphia sanitarium, is in the city for a few days after' a visit to his old home in Wellsbero.

Mr. Converse is much improved in health, a fact that is most pleasing to his many friends who are greeting him again. CAKE SALE The Standard Bearers' Society of Hedding M. E. Church will hold a cake sale at- Sheehan-Dean's Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.

ence of a company of friends, the Rev. James A. Miller united in marriage Lulu G. Loop of Elmira and John R. Johnson of Newark, N.

J. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will reside in Newark.

A CORRECTION. In announcing an approaching wedding last evening an error was unintentionally made in the name of the groom, it being Lester Kniffen, instead of Lester Knissen of 414 Mathews street. Mr. Kniffen is a well known young man and is bookkeeper and stenographer for Frank W. Hughson on West Second street.

The wedding will take place September 16. CIRCLE NO. 1. 'The members of Circle No. 1 of the Southside Baptist Church will meet at the home of Mrs.

Warner, the fourth house above the Rorick'e Glen entrance on West Water street, Saturday afternoon. Members are asked to take the car leaving Main and Water streets at 12 o'clock sharp Saturday. GOOD WILL SOCIETY. The Good Will Society of the First Presbyterian Church will hold a picnic at Riverside Park on Friday, luncheon at noon. Should the weather be unpleasant supper will be served at the church.

DAUGHTER BORN. Dr. and Mrs. street are of friends on September 7. William Brady of Lake receiving the congratulations the birth of a daughter M.

Mrs. COUNTRY CLUB LUNCHEON. Mrs. Ford R. Knapp gave a luncheon of 16 covers yesterday at the Elmira Country Club.

A delicious course luncheon was served at 12:30 o'clock. Those present were: Mrs. George W. Buck, Mrs. Albert J.

Daniels, Mrs. P. P. Norman, Mrs. Morgan Ruger, Mrs.

James N. Ward. Mrs. Henry Orcutt, Mrs. Elmer Backer, Mrs.

Charles A. Austin, Mrs. John T. Sadler, Mrs. Harry Walker, Mrs.

Charles B. Homer, Mrs. Edward WANT TO KNOW if coffee is harmful Stop 10 days and use POSTUM "There's a Reason." THE NEW FALL SUITINGS The most striking features of the new Fall Suitings all of which are sale this week, are the striped combinations. Stripes in colors and in on weave, are almost universally found in the new suitings. Piece dyed suitings, with narrow and wide invisible or shadow stripes.

Well dressed women this Fall will be seen, also, in plain suitings. The colors, chiefly, will include the new Edison and Cobalt blues, browns, greens, wines, catabas and greys. THE NEW FEATURES Every new suiting this Fall has characteristics that mark it distinctly from all the rest. Included will be the new satin stripes, ribbon stripes, wide wale diagonal serges, herringbone stripes, VanDyke cheviots, Regence stripes, Gitona heavy serge suitings with narrow black stripe, satin chiffon, etc. Among the fancy suitings are the Renier Serges and Worsted Prunnella.

Black Dress Goods this Fall will include Rajah Panamas, Black Plain Panamas, Black Voiles, Black Worsted and English Serges, Black Chiffon Broadcloths and a large variety of Black French Suitings, and the new Black Drape de Lyon, a satin finish smooth twilled fabric. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Four Special Prices on NEW FALL SUITINGS 44-inch imported all wool Mixed Suitings, stripes of Serges and Panama. All dark colors good weight, imported for this Fall's style suits, and in good suiting weights, 42-inch to 58-inch in a variety of dark subdued tones of greys, blues, wide. Value $1.00 to $1.50 yard. Our spebrowns, green, etc.

Some in checks and stripes. cial price, yard 67c Also 55-inch all wool Navy Blue Panama. yard finish. Value $1.25. Special, yard Regular value $1.50 yard.

Special at, 55-inch black all wool Panama, chiffon 89c 89c A variety of all wool Taffeta and Panama in 54-inch black all wool Panama. Value shadow checks and stripes, also mixed plaids and $1.00. Special, yard 69c Tailored Garments for Fall and Winter Wear The new Fall and Winter Suits for the coming season come in a wide range, as regard to style, starting from the classic Directoire models and ranging down to the plain tailor-made garment with a 30-inch coat plain tailored, with semi-fitting coat. While the Directoire models will be in evidence, with many modifications, everything in the coat line of suits or for separate coats has a tendency to shorter waist lines on the order of the Empire effects. The New Skirts Skirts for the coming season will be shown in many models; the gored effects will undoubtedly he the most popular, while many pleated effects will also be shown.

Materials for the season will be in handsome shadow stripes and plain broadcloths. Colorings are black, brown, smoke, Cobalt, Edison blue, grey, olive and myrtle green. Separate Coats Women's Separate Coats will be full length, largely semi-fitting, backs, cut on the modified Directoire lines. Colors black and light Covert stripes for immediate use. Opera and party wraps will be cut full and semi-fitting back, and also in the new cape effects, in all the delicate tints.

New Linings and Trimmings The linings and trimmings for suits, costumes and coats for the season will be very elaborate. Braids and buttons will be largely in evidence. Broadcloth Suits $15 Women's Tailored Suits One model we are showing in Women's Taiored Suits is a plain Broadcloth Suit, coat made 30 inches long, full satin lined, semi-fitting back, coat slashed at the bottom and bound with black satin bands. Skirt full pleated and finished with deep fold. They come in black, blue, olive and smoke.

We start the season with this MAP suit at DIU VU Women's Tailored Suits made from mannish cloths with plain ground with invisible stripes. We have them blue, black, brown, and green. The coat is cut dip front and back, slashed at side and back, satin collar and cuffs and trimmed with buttons, plain gored skirt. button front and finished with fold. At $25.00 Other Suits range in price up to $75.00.

SECOND FLOOR Hoffman, Mrs. Charles Metzger, William J. Homer and Miss Eva fed Pivot bridge was enjoyed the afternoon, the very pretty decks of cards being won by Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs.

Austin and Mrs. Homer. SON BORN. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Elson F. Bennett of 417 West Fourth street, Tuesday, September 8. RESUME SESSIONS. Next Sunday the Ladies' Aid Society of the High Street Temple will resume the regular sessions. MISSIONARY MEETING.

The Missionary Society of the First Methodist Church is meeting this afternoon in the church parlors. The devotional exercises began shortly after 3 o'clock and were conducted by Miss Mary L. Noble. Mrs. Jeremiah Smalley is presiding at the meeting.

The hostesses are Mrs. A. F. Williams and Mrs. H.

S. Patterson. BEECHER SUNSHINE. The members of the Beecher Sunshine Circle met last evening at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Cortright, 206 college avenue.

During the evening a committee representing the circle callat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Thurston and presented some friendly remembrances with their best wishes. CLASS 24. The members of Bible Class No.

24 of the First Methodist Church are requested to meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Woodlawn Cemetery Chapel to attend the funeral of Mrs. Adelia Berrie. (Signed) Mrs. Brownlow. LAWN PARTY.

A lawn party which proved a very enjoyable affair was given Tuesday evening by Miss Helen Spillane and Miss Mary K. Hayes in honor of P. H. Dempsey of Beaumont, Texas, and David Spillane of Newark, N. J.

The lawn was prettily illuminated with Japanese lanterns and decorated with flags and bunting. Miss Julia Lynch and Miss Helen Spillane gave piano selections and Geraldine Bartlett gave mandolin selections which were enjoyed. Those present besides the above mentioned were: Misses Gertrude Cunningham, Florence Cross, Josephine Hayes, Winifred Helen Hayes, May Conroy. Cunningham, Margaret Lynch, Nellie Watts, Mary Spillane, Jennie Limner, Marguerite Leary, Ag- nes Ryan, Bessie Burke, Mary E. Hayes, Margaret Spillane, Margaret Hayes and Messrs.

Jerry O'Connor. Warren Leary, Vincent Coughlin, John W. Spillane, Frank Mack, John J. Spillane, William Watts, James Limner, Leo Cunningham, Francis Powell, Robert Riley, Hosea Smith, Leo Cook, John Collins, William Hayes, Stanley Avery, John O'Brien and Gerald Cosgrove. The Misses Kathryn Collins, Mary O'Brien assisted Mrs.

Spillane in serving. A SURE-ENOUGH KNOCKER. J. C. Goodwin, of Reidsville, N.

"Bucklen's Arnica Salve is 3 says: sure-enough knocker for ulcers. A bad one came on my leg last summer, but that wonderful salve knocked it out in a few rounds. Not ever a scar remained." Guaranteed for piles, sores, burns, etc. 25c at Gerity drug store. A signal honor is also bestowed upon Miss Mason in the fact that Mr.

Egbert, the head teacher of violin at the Ithaca Conservatory has taken a great interest in the young woman and give her private lessons. UNITED HOME MISSION. The Rev. G. Buck will speak each evening this week at 8 o'clock.

Miss Margaret Whiting will have charge of the music. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN Pope-Toledo in absolutely fine. condition, Eisemann Magneto, top, Varner speedometer, tire hollers, Goodrich tires in good condition. Demonstration by LaFrance Motor Car N. 33-tia.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.