Stephen King has a message for Donald Trump (2024)

Stephen King regularly takes to social media to share his political opinions and once again, he's come for former president Donald Trump.

The critically acclaimed horror author has taken aim at Trump's legal woes as he continues to face a $250 million lawsuit over allegations that he, The Trump Organization and key executives of the company inflated his net worth to obtain more favorable terms from lenders and insurance. Trump maintains his innocence, saying that the financial statements pointed out by New York Attorney General Letitia James' office understate his net worth and the value of his properties.

New York State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron already ruled against Trump in a partial summary before heading to trial, finding that the former president inflated the value of his assets. Both sides rested their cases last week and will reconvene on January 11 to deliver closing arguments.

Now King has criticized how Trump and his legal team have handled the court case with a post to X, formerly Twitter.

"The Trump legal strategy is an oldie but a goodie: Lie, deny, and hope they die. To borrow from Danny Bongo, the WORST president in American history," he wrote.

The Trump legal strategy is an oldie but a goodie: Lie, deny, and hope they die. To borrow from Danny Bongo, the WORST president in American history.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 15, 2023

King's mention of Danny Bongo is in reference to conservative U.S. commentator Dan Bongino—whose name he deliberately misspelled—with the two having previously gotten into a war of words online. Bongino is often critical of President Joe Biden and likes to take to X to refer to Biden as "the worst president in the U.S. history."

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung responded to King's post in a statement to Newsweek.

"Stephen King continues to write fiction," he said. "He's a washed-up loser desperately trying to cling on to whatever fame he has left. "

Newsweek reached out to a representative for King for comment via email Monday.

While Cheung might not agree with King, people took to the comment section of the horror author's tweet to echo his sentiment.

"So true!!! He is a grade A Narcissist!!!! Always playing the victim and never taking accountability…" one person commented.

"It's deny, deny, deny—then counter accuse!" said another.

Stephen King has a message for Donald Trump (1)

A third added: "You wrote some awesome horror stories but nothing close to Trump."

However, others weren't so happy with what King had to say.

"Seems like you're living in denial and projecting there a bit Stephen," one person wrote.

"Let's talk policy instead of just the personal bashing. Are you informed enough to do that?" another asked.

"Trump, unlike Biden has committed NO crimes," one unsubstantiated claim read.

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This isn't the first time King has aimed his ire at Trump's legal woes, as on November 28 he responded to an X post from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, in which she called out President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.

The House Oversight Committee launched investigations into Hunter Biden's foreign business deals and is investigating whether Joe Biden committed an impeachable offense by aiding these. The White House has repeatedly denied that the president ever had any involvement in his son's dealings, with Joe Biden calling the inquiry a "baseless political stunt."

Greene, a MAGA Republican and a Trump loyalist, criticized Hunter Biden on X when she wrote: "Hunter Biden isn't used to following rules or the law, but there is no circumventing @RepJamesComer's subpoena for a transcribed interview. Hunter Biden doesn't get to dictate @GOPOversight's investigation. See you soon."

King, who doesn't often let a chance to criticize the former president pass him by, shared Greene's post and added: "You know who isn't used to following rules of law? Donald Trump. 91 counts of breaking those laws. Count 'em, 91."

This is in reference to the fact that as he seeks a second term in the White House, Trump is facing more than 90 criminal charges stemming from four separate criminal indictments, two at the state level and two federal.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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Stephen King has a message for Donald Trump (2024)


How much does Stephen King weigh? ›

Stephen is of Scots-Irish ancestry, stands 6'4" and weighs about 200 pounds. He is blue-eyed, fair-skinned, and has thick, black hair, with a frost of white most noticeable in his beard, which he sometimes wears between the end of the World Series and the opening of baseball spring training in Florida.

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One evening, King ventured alone to pick up his car from the repair shop and came across an old wooden bridge, "humped and oddly quaint". Walking along the bridge caused King to recall the story of "Three Billy Goats Gruff", and the idea of transplanting the tale's scenario into a real-life context interested him.

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Stephen King is a prolific writer who has been publishing horror novels and short stories for over four decades. His work has had a profound impact on the horror genre, inspiring countless writers and filmmakers to create their own terrifying tales.

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King favored an epistolary form to produce realism in the novel by using a combination of letters, news clippings, magazine articles, and passages from books. Stephen King also creates identifiable characters that elicit immediate sympathy from readers due to inherently flawed but human traits.

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There is no doubt about it, if you were to name the greatest horror writers of all time, you would have to include Stephen King near the top. Yet, despite his incredible success, the author had his demons and battled drug and alcohol addiction for decades before getting sober.

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King's favorite food, about which he clearly feels no embarrassment, has the reputation for being the ultimate indulgence: a “monster slice of cheesecake.” Although two slices is his preferred dessert (according to a menu of his ideal meal), King's taste for cheesecake isn't limited to post-dinner; he also will have a ...

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Both his books and adaptations are riddled with lines and moments that hint at what's to come. This is why King's stories have an overarching sense of doom and dread. Unlike most horror novels and films, it's not the uncertainty of danger that has you on edge, but exactly when that danger will finally happen.

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According to, The Shining by Stephen King is his best-selling book of all time. Meanwhile, The Stand is King's best-selling ebook of all time.

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As for the novels, King shared that MiseryOpens in a new tab, The Stand, and Lisey's Story are among his favorites.

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Even though he claims to be capable of breezing through a book in a day or two, he still classifies himself as a slow reader.

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King explained that he writes for three or four hours each day and tries to produce six “fairly clean” pages in that time. That's a 360 page book in approximately two months. Stephen King is prolific because he treats writing as a job. He writes every day – whether he feels like it or not.

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Author Stephen King uses a version of the "10,000 steps" rule to sneak more reading time into his busy day. We all know that reading is the high road to wisdom and smarts (just about every business leader you admire has said as much).

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In an interview for Washington Post in 1985, the author explained that at the time he was weighing 236 pounds and smoked a lot, until his cardiologist said he couldn't maintain that lifestyle much longer. King gave up smoking and started a diet that made him lose weight very quickly.

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Stephen King on X: "I had hip replacement surgery. My right one, crushed in an accident in the summer of 1999, finally gave out." / X.

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I, too, have MS. People who have MS and people who work with MS patients have been especially supportive.


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