The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


BULLITT. Offic Camp Btbht. TERMS OF THE PICAYUNE. Subscriptions received for twelve monthi for 18 half yearly ana quarterly at um same rates. All subsenp tioosln advaaee.

Single copies cents. Advertisem*nts, net oceediu tan Hmm Im In m1 inserted foe SI tbsfcrst, and toccata for every eubee 'Mwuwi. hok 01 greater icngin coargea in MOOOf lion. Advertuementa tnaeited on the teeond pag charged ai Advertisem*nts pultllsheds intervals, VU: Weekly, semi weekly, tri weekly or monthly, are charged 1 pel aauare for eve rv innertinn A liberal discount will be made to thou who advertise by the year. Advertisem*nt, not specified at to time, will be published on month and charged accordingly i but no adver iwcuico or nncnpuoa will De scoppea unili mi i arrearage Vfl paid, nnlrea at tb option of the pro prietara.

Marriage and obitaary notices an charged SI per square. WEDNESDAY MOmVlNG, JAN. 81S33. CP" We are Indebted to the clerk of the Martha Jewell for late St. Lonis papera.

rpp We are indebted to CapL Bowman, of he steamer Manchester, for Pittsburg papers, t7" We are indebted to the clerk of the Atlantic for late St. Louis papera. Lkctobx. oif Bauoonimo. M.

Petiu's lecture this at the Orleans theatre, will commence at 7 o'clock, and will last bat one hour and a halt See hi advertisem*nt. Lacks' Bible Society. The annual meeting of this society takes place this morning at 11 o'clock, at Christ Church. Havbubo Comxbbciai, Instttutb. We refer to the advertisem*nt in another column of this establishment, at Hamburg, Germany.

The agent in this city is Mr. J. A. Barelli, Sicilian ami Portuguese Consul. The advertisem*nt gives all the necessary details touching the institute.

i By the publications in another column, it will be seen that the Poet Office Department has decided that letters relating to steamboat cargoes are free from post office regulations. Letters touching the downward cargo, and orders' for shipment of any portion of return cargoes, are not liable to postage, unless steamboat officers themselves place them In the post office. The trip down and up make bnt one voyage. Ln Insubaxck. We would direct the attention of our readers to the adrettisenient in another column of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, and congratulate those desirous of effecting insurance on their lives upon the decision of jthis popular institution to establish an agency in this city.

The great security presented by this company, from its unequaled capital, and the made known to as, of its doing business only upon the cash principle, should, in our judgment, secure to it a large business in the community for in the event of a wide spread and fatal epidemic, it will thereby hare the gold to discharge its policies, instead of an accumulation of various and irresponsible notes. Abtosxmkrts Last Evening St. Charles. The tragedy of 14 Pbilip Augustus," a translation from the French, was represented last evening at the St Charles, Miss Dean playing the part of Marie, with Mr. Lynne aa the King of France.

The concluding scenes were magnificent, and were magnificently rendered. We cannot avoid expressing a wish, however, which we know to be general, that Miss Dean will once more appear in" the part of Constance before her departure. It is a favorite play with us, and is well adapted to the genius of Miss Dean. Plaeide's Varieties. M'lle Lola drew another fine house last evening at the Varieties.

There was, as we anticipated, a much larger number of 'ladies present than on the evening previous, all of whom seemed highly pleased. The gentlemen were prepared with bouquets, and dispensed them liberally to the fine actress. We understand that the beet seats are all engaged beforehand, and it therefore behooves those who wish to witness the play in of the most eminent actress who has aoneared for manv vears. to secure their seats in time. American Theatre.

The monkeys danced to an 'excited assemblage of juveniles, and Herr Von Spingalen whirled under a half dozen tumblers of brandy as one laboring under such a load would be expected to whir). Orleans Theatre. The very fine Opera of "Jerusalem.1' bv Verdi, was olaved last At the Orleans. It is among the gems of the opera, and its representation at this theatre is well 'worthy of its reputation. A very fine and fashionable audience greeted its production.

The, Incoming Administration and the Cula Question. The Washington correspondent of the Courier and Enquirer, in noticing the Senate debate on the Cuba question, and particularly the speeches of Senators Mason and Cass, remarks that the positions taken by the Senators are, under present circ*mstances, significant indi eating as they do that the incoming Administration will negotiate Cuba into the Union as a State or Territory, if it can be accomplished without too' many hazards or sacrifices. He adds i Gen. Pierce is said to have express nimself decidedly unfavorable to the hostile e. editions which have been planned in the Un States against Cuba, and to have signified hij: item inn to employ all constitutional power tc nn est their repetition duriug hisA dministration.

few" The Boston Commonwealth, in announcing the fact that a Free Soil meeting was held in St. Lawrence county, N. says that "the caiu paign of 1856 has fairly began." This is beginning in season. Aye, in the winter of their discontent Steamer Sank. The steamer R.

M. Patton was 1 I aupa Lilts wiiari ui Ajuiuovuie, un tne om un, in consequence of being run into by the steamer Grand Prairie. The latter boat was rounding to for the purpose of landing at the wharf, and was under considerable headway, when the packing blew out of one of her cylinders, which rendered the engine useless and it refused to back. This caused the boat's bow to strike the M. Patton just abaft the boilers, when she filled and sunk.

he ooat was BBDseqeenuy raisea. ar The Opelonsas Courier states that a young nuuiAiiamed Baptists Connneau, residing ear Grand Coteau, fired at a negro slave on the 35th ult, and lodged a bullet in his body. The ball was extracted, bat it was expected th boy would die. The Conner knows nothing of the particulars of the affair. firs and Loss of Life.

The Louisville paper mill was almost totally consumed on the 26th nit, but the loss was covered by insurance. An effort was made to. save the machinery in the engine room, and while a number of persons were in there the gable wall of the building fell In, burying a dozen men under the burning rafters and loose bricks. J. W.

Homer and David Milliner were crushed to death, and 'nine others were severely injured, many of them dangerously The fire was evident ly the work of an incendiary. A general railroad law is about to be brought forward ln the Virginia Legislature. ty The Hon. Edward, Stanly, of North Carolina, it is said, designs removing to California, where be propose' to practice his profession tbs) law. Br The clipper ship Sword Fish arrived at New York on the seta nit, irom wna npoa, ighty nine days to the bar one of the quickest paayes ever made.

gy Mr. Jasper Thornton, publisher of the Southern Appeal, died at his residence in oonee Hle, on the 15th nit' Bp The wooden houses on the front beach of Sollivan'a Island, 'owned by Mr. Owens ana Mr. W. Patterson, were aastroyed by fire at an early hoar ea the morning of tius 30th nit Several others were saved by the strejuMoa exertions of xne oeaeer and privates of the U.

8. garrison at Fort Moultrie. Mr. Patterson, the Charleston Courier learns, was Insured for about $5,000. Sergeant Cavanagh was takes from one of the burn lag imuiuiuxb ronj aaaocatoq by the smoke, New Mus a H.

D. Hewitt 30 Camp atreet, is the agent mr the sals of new parlor edition of Italian opera ataxic, each piees having ltnoaa, Trench ailah Mh The aditor and translator la A Watson, sad tbs publishers William Ball as. Boa, New York. Mr. Hewitt has nwsred aa with copies of several ml tacse new pieces: He has also sent us a somber songs from the new opera of the Perl," lately Urongat of with macs success in New fork.

Arkansas and Lealsiaqa. The Memphis Eagle speaks in glowing lan guage of the beneficial effect upon the growth of Arkansas, which is to be produced by the passage of the internal improvement bill now before the Legislature of the State. The bill proposes to require the division of the fund derived front the lands donated to the State bv Conrre among four main lines of railroads. One of these is the road from the Missouri line through Little Rock to the Louisiana line, to connect St Louis with New Orleans through a branch of the New Orleans and Opelonsas road. This subject deeply Interests the people of Louisiana, and they will be glad to hear that Arkansas has embarked earnestly in these works.

There is no State la the West than Arkansas for fertility and all the resources Tor sustaining a large population and. a great commerce bat her want of internal communication, and the long line of swamp frontier on the Mississippi have turned the discouraged emigrant into other directions and kept the State poor and thinly settled. The adoption of a system of railroads will soon throw open her rich lands to the hardy cultivator and bring her up rapidly abreast of her western neighbors in the march of power and wealth. To this the great progress made in an incredi bly abort time, in reclaiming her swamp lands have given an extraordinary impetus. We find it stated in Gov.

lloane's recent message that more than four millions of acres of laud, of the richest kind, heretofore annually submerged. have already been reclaimed by the partial levee ing the State has undergone. It was anticipated that by this date the river line of the three coun ties of Mississippi, Critteudeu and Phillips would be completed, and an immense additional quantity of land added to the resources and productive capital of that State. Completing this system, the dreaded swamps will soon become the Seat of a high cultivation, teem with planters, and furnish a position on the Mississippi river as attractive to the industrious settler as it is now impenetrable and repulsive. The example of what has been done and is doing in Arkansas, should urge on the application of the same fund in this State with a similar enenrv.

United in their interests ny contiguity, similar physical features, and like wants in different degrees, Louisiana and Arkansas will, it is hoped, act harmoniously in their saystems of improvements, aud in forwarding by joint exer tions the grand scheme of so much consequence to both, of the railroad beyond the Mississippi. That subject has seized so much on the public mind in Missouri, Arkansas, and Western Louisiana, that we hope ere long to be able to chron icle some effective cooperation here to give it consistency and help. Gov. Foote, of Mississippi, has published a card vindicating his right to appoint a Senator in Congress, after the 4th of March next, when the term of Mr. Brooke will expire.

Gov. Foote was, himself, the predecessor of Mr. Brooke, and resigned his seat to canvas the State for Governor. The Legislature, by a combination of Union Whigs and Democrats chose Mr. Brooke for the unexpired term.

But the Senate, both at the regular session last winter and the recent extra session, refused to go into an election for the full term, preferring that the choice should be made by the new Legislature to be elected in Novem ber next Governor does not claim the power to appoint a Senator now, to take the place ol Mr. Brooke in March, but has announced his inten tion to make such an appointment as soon as the vacancy occurs, and has put forth this argument in support of his right under the constitution, to do so. The position of the Governor is that a State Executive has the right, under the constitution, to make temporary appointments to the Senate to fill all vacancies which occur during the recess of the Legislature, and have not been provided for by the Legislature itself; and that it makes no difference whether the vacancies have arisen by the regular expiration of a term of service or hare been caused by resignation, death, or any unforeseen eveut The only limitation is that the vacancy shall have occurred, in fact, before the appointment is made. This view has been controverted and will be opposed in the Senate strongly. During the late debate on the case of Dixon, from Kentucky, 6ome strong opinions were expressed against the right of an Executive to make appointments, when the Legislatures have designedly or with full notice left vacant The precedents which Gov.

Foote's industry has collected are, however, in favor of the right of appointment He has found in the journals of the Senate hve cases wherein senators nave been admitted to take their seats on Executive appointment, at the commencement of a full term, the Legislature having adjourned without electing. They are those of co*cke, of Teunes. see, in 1787; Tracy.of Connecticut, 4th of March, 1801 Hindman, of Maryland, 5th of March, 1301 Anderson, of Tennessee and Samuel Smith, of Maryland, March 4, ISt'. These are parallel cases. That of Lanman, of Connecticut, to which we have formerly refer red iu connection with this claim by Gov.

Foote, was not that of an appointment to an existing vacancy. The Governor of Connecticut appointed Mr. Lanman before his term expired, to fill the seat about to become vacant' Gov. Foole will only appoint after the 4tb of March. There is no precedent for the rejection of a Senator under these circ*mstances a fact which goes to strengthen the opinion that Gov.

Foote's nominee will stand a good chance to be received, and to hold his seat until the Legislature to be elected shall choose a successor. Texas Itkjis. By the arrival of the steamship Texas, Capt Lawless, we have received Gal veston papers to the 31st ult, one day later than those brought bj the Mexico. The following is from the News On Tuesday evening last Dr. Grant, whose residence is near Washington, on the Brazos, was shot in Houston by Mr.

Anselem Hudson, who was acting as bar keeper in the Houston House. Dr. Grant died instantly after receiving the second shot in his body. The particulars are thus related to us bv a gentleman who was there at the time. A difficulty had existed between the parties for some time previous, and Dr.

Grant is reported to have threatened to cowhide Mr. Hud son, wnicn Having come to nis Knowledge, Mr. H. on hearing of Dr. Grant's arrival, went to see him, and they met in the Old Capitol.

After some words, Dr. Grant drew a pistol and shot at Hudson, the ball passing through the skirt of his coat Hudson immediately turned and ran some distance till he had time to draw his pistol, when be turned and shot Dr. Grant in the leg, Dr. G. making a second shot about the same time, without effect.

Dr. Grant then shot the third time, the ball striking Hudson's finger, but Hudson's second sbot was then made, the ball passing through Dr. Grant's body, causing his death almost instantly. Hudson forthwith surrendered himself to the sheriff, by whom he was taken into custody. Our information is that Hudson is a young man of respectable family, and came into Texas but a few months since.

Gen. Mirabeau B. Lamar, ex President of Texas, arrived in Galveston on the 31st ult, in good health. The Supreme Court, at the late Austin term, decided the law of the last Legislature, authorizing the writ of certiorari to issue from justice's courts to be unconstitutional. The News says that Judge Watrous, of the U.

S. District Court is detained at present by sick ness in Washington City. It is however expected that he will be able to resume his duties on the bench soon. The U. S.

District Court was to be opened in Galveston on Monday hut and thea adjourned to the first Monday in February. (jf" Senator Hnnter, of Virginia, accompanied by the President elect and the Hon. Amos Lawrence, visited Charles town and Banker Hill mon ument on the 27th nit In the evening, Mr. Han ter left Boston for Washington, and Gen. Pierce for Concord.

The Tariff. The Washington correspondent of the Courier and Enquirer, in a letter, says: The Committee of Way and Means, to whieh mm referred so much of the President's message) as relates to the tariff, have pretty well determined not tn renort anv modification of any sort during the present session, pir. nousion, inn and Mr. Geo. W.

Jones, a prominent member, both declared ln favor of a considera hi, redaction on tne existinsr auues. oai uoiiner was drilling to undertake such a reform now. They preferred to wait for a report from Mr. Cor Inouur nnnn fha nretnxt that fuller in. formation could then Je obtained, and for the further reason that the Execute would sympathise mnre cordially with Congress.

la Antm aloKU in toll tllfi truth. JrssAMfto. Vnum Ab, but that sa specific duty, and yon know that the Democrats are opposed tfl apepiRp duties. The State Election. We make np the returns of the election in this State aa far as they have been received Parishes.

Hubert Borddon. Orleans 1S6 v. Jefferson. 41" at. Charles.

TO at John 30 i sii aatoa 37 I 144 St. James TO Ion "ills 15ft St. 70 94 St. 171 East Baton Boage is St 31 strides 64 West Baton Rouge 103 East Feliciana. 64 Caddo 89 Natchitoches sa at.

Helena S3 rotate Coaoee 1M SI as 80 90 36 Cats boa L. Cstld well DeSoro Tensas IS 31 124 3S 40 63 St. St Landry Lafourche Interior West Feliciana. 94 I ill Lafayette Louisiana Bace Course First Day. The fall season on the Louisiana Course com menced vesterdav.

There were but three en tries for a purse of $300, two mile heats: Cot T. B. Poindexter named g. 4 years old, by Bos ton D. F.

Kenner named b. h. Louts IT Or; col. S. M.

Hill named ch. g. Wade Hampton. The first and last of the above enti ies were colts of old Boston. The bets, up to the time of starting, were ninety to one hundred and even on Wade Hampton against the field.

The friends of the other horses took some bets with and some without odds on their pets against Wade, but the latter was evidently the favorite. First Heat. At the given signal, all the horses got off well together, Hampton having the inside with Louis D'Or next him. Up to the first quar ter Wade was well engaged opening a gap which the gray colt tried to lessen. Louis D'Or suc ceeded in getting last and staid there through tne run.

Fusing the stand the colt made a push at Wade, which the latter laughed at and without trouble frustrated. They ran very prettily around the distance and came in with Louis D'Or last It was said by the knowing that the bay was lay ing off for Wade to try his mettle with the gray colt but the gray could nt push him hard enough to be of any count The betting was very slight before the second heat, Wade Hampton being beyond odds. There were one or two, however, of ten to thirty on Wade against the field for the heat There was also something done by the backers of Louis D'Or and the gray colt even on the beat dec Second Heat. Time being called, the nags came up apparently as fresh as if they had not run. The placing, of course, followed the last heat.

At the first tap Louis D'Or made a rush by the colt and for a few lengths held Wade. The latter, however, shook him off in some very pretty running, and at the end of the first quarter was clearly ahead. The gray then challenged and passed Louis D'Or, went up to Wade at the stand and passed 'him. But the victory was of short duration, Wade winning back the lead in not more than four or five lengths. Louis Or then came up and at the beginning of the last quarter had passed the gray.

The run home was pretty but not very quick. By the carelessness of Louis Or's rider, the heat was made a dead one be. tween him and the colt. The following is the summary Fibst Day Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1853 Louisiana Course, New Orleans; Proprietor's Purse 300; two mile heats.

Col. 8. M. Hill's cb. ft.

Wade Hampttn, by Boston, nam ftisrgmret vtooas. ny imp. rnun 4 y. 1 1 CoL T. K.

Foindexter's gr. c. by Boston, dim by Big Archie v. 2 D. F.

Kenner 's h. h. Lottit D'Or, by imp. (isrpedon. asm ricsyoue, Dy neaoc Ay.

3 Time, 3:53 3:44. AsrcsBancNTs This Evbwino. SL Charles The tit. is. Julia Dean performs again, and by general desire, in the affecting drama of Madeleine, the Belle of the Faubourg." DeBar and Nsgle also appear.

Miss Dt sn and Mr. Nsgle play in the camedirtta of the Morning CalL" floddt'i t'mrittia. M'lle Lola Montex appears for the third time in Lola Montex in Bavaria." Sir Win. Don aud Mr. Hill perform in the laughable force of Box and Cu." Amuriean Theatre.

Donetti's troupe of trained monkeys, dogs and goats continue, a successful career. They sre exceedingly amusing, and one laughs as much as he wonders at them. Model of San Francisco. This interesting exhibition csn be seen during the dsy and evening at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Steamboat Depastures To Pay For Cumberland River.

The H. R. W. Hill, Capt. Newell, Iraves at P.

M. Agent, T. Hamilton. 13 Carondf let street For Red River. The Swan, Capt.

Sill, at P. M. Agents, Stevenson corner of Gravier and Fulton streets. For AUalMpai.TXu! Delia, Capt. Csstillo.

at in A. M. for Balize. The Fashion, Capt. Fsgot, at A.

For Bayon Sara. The Emperor, Capt Cotton, at P. M. Agents, see advertisem*nt. For Bayou Sara.

The Gipny, Capt. t're, at T. M. Agents, see advertisemeut. Steamship Depabtubk.

For Galveston and Matagorda Say. The U. S. Mail teaminip Mexico, Capt. Place, leaves to morrow at A.

M. Agents, Harris dt Morgan, 7'J Tchoapitoulas'street. Fob Alabama Riveb. The Wetumpka, Capt Olds, is at the New Basin, receiving freight for Mout gomery, Wetumpka, and all landings ou the Alabama Biver. Agents, ce advertisem*nt.

Books. We are indebted to Thos. L. White, bookseller, im Caiialtirrt. for the Betrothed and Talisman," 8cott's novels, in one neat volume, from the last revised edition.

Also, for a volume of that exceed ingly useful publication, the American Almanac," for 1S53. B. M. Norman, I Camp street, has obliged us with the December 4th number of the Loudou Illustrated News," the last Lantern," a novel by Sue called First Love," and the first number of the uewf AineAcan. magazine.

Putnam's Monthly." We are obliged to J. B. Steel, 6U Camp street for another copy of this Monthly." J. Morgan, Literary Depot, Exchange Place, has obliged us with the January number of "Harper's New Monthly." It coutains the continuation of "Napoleon Bonaparte," Balwer's My Novel," Bleak and other interesting articles. Beard May sell, This Day, at Banks's Arcade Three lots of gronnd, fronting the Florida landing, New Basin.

Aliouse snd lot in the Fourth District, late Lafayette. A desirable pew in the Presbvterian Church. (Dr. octiii 1 ace suTenuruiniia CITY ITT EL I If E. Inquest.

Coroner Wilkinson vesterdav held an Inquest on the body of a whits man whose name was unknown, aged stout twenty five years, a native of An stria. The inquest was held on board the steamship Texas, lyang at the foot of Broome street Verdict Died from injuries received so board the steamboat Fuselier, on tbs 3d lnac, oy we Dorsnsg op ner Doners. RECORDER 6ENOIS' COURT. LABCEKT. Jamea Domingo was yesterday arrested in the Second District on the charge of having committed larceny.

What he stole wc could not lean. Stealing! Watches. Louis Jadot yesterday complained before Recorder Senoia, that on the 3d Inst, his bouse, in St. Ann street, between Salves and Mire streets, was entered and three silver watches and other articles worth $17, were stolen. Tha complainant has reason to believe that a man named Laoia, whom he will point oat to the police, has stolen his property.

A warrant waa issued. RECORDER WINTER'S COURT The Foboebt Case. ARer the charge of forgery, which we noticed in yesterday afternoon's paper, was made against Thomas Jobnaoa aliat Tracy, two other am davits were made against him. He it charged with having psated to R. McMurdo of this city, a chock drawn by i.

W. Clark, of Boston, for SI ,600, the endorsem*nts of which he is said to have forged. i Robert McDowell also charged him with having stolen drafts from bia firm for aver Slxxx Johnson is a fine looking, well dressed yoaag mas. wbo waa formerly a clerk tne steam ship Mexico. He is suspected of having BHIH wn OS IDS VCSSet, IDC drafia being enclosed in a letter addressed to McDowell, Mills Co, THE COURTS Sbcono Distbict Coubt Judge Lee.

Daniel Webmter't Will. A daly eathentieated copy of the last will and testament at too tats Daniel Witte i day ia this Court. This wilt waa probated on the Soto of November last, In the county of Plymouth, Maaaacbnaetta. It will be lesacuibeied that the saecessioo of Daniel Web a sou peBdiogln taisCaart against the city of mx praseasionai services of ids dceased la the Games rase. The will and petition for its registry and ezecation were filed by Sraer S.

Daacan. Eeo. Tb will was ordered to be hom*ologated, registered and executed. Immediately after the above order of the Court, ereerB. Duncan filed a petition making application for letters of dative tcatimentary executorship.

toTL application waa ordered to be advertised according St James Explosion. U. 8. Cibcutt Cocbt. Judge McCaleb.

Trial er our report for our evening edition yesterday, Edward Edgar, a passenger on the Jameswaa examined for the dcnceTotiling new waa AJSTLT? defrnce. WRneas la scientific Has been in the habit of examining hollers after explosions Has aivon attention. Does not bslleve that boilers ever explode except by the agency of steam. Thinks the pretence of exnlosions bv sas were subterfuges of ianoranf Does not believe that explosions ever take place from that cans. Witness was en board of the 8t.

James about a arcek before the accident Took a curaorv view nt th. bowers, but saw no defects. Had there been any break witness wonl4 have noticed them, bnt not other defects of the boilers. Wmrttir sworn. Witness waa watchman on board nt the St.

James at the time of the accident. Was Mow a into the water by the tSplosioB and coaddrrsbly iniured. Witness's face was covered over with black spots. Here the counsel for the prisoner attempted to elicit the opinion of the witness that the snots on his foce were occasioned UMiKcm lire cuiinei a occurred. The California left Pass Christian before the 8 James.

Witness did not think that the St. James was running feat when the explosion oox th. 8t. Samwci sworn. Witness was pilot ontte Bt, James.

Knows that the St. James waiteS JOW Bay St Louis for the California to go ahead for the Pure SfiiSidingall eomneoJrtojL Believed St me U'e California was waiting for the 8t James to start first, tn ordeVtaat she might pass the Utter. A steamboat always SaSsvhra peasfngover shoal water. The St James had Inst oassed from shoal to deep water when the explosion took place. Had rung the slow bell when on the shoal waterf It was promptly obeyed by the accused.

The boat when the exnloslon occurred. Witness Indies from the revolutions of the wheels at the time mnr Rh WU rnere was iuuimhivm v. at about nine mile an hour. In shoal water a steamboat makes Just a good time under a moderate bead of steam as under a beavy bead. Witness considered the prisoner an unusuall sttentive engineer.

Always had thought that the St James might have been run with safety at greater speed than she wa in the habit of going. Had thought that she was run with unnecessary csujion. The report at. the time of the accident waa very si ght, hi m. witnMiBt first thouskt a iuiut hJ blown off.

Does' not think that an explosiou uf the boilers took plare. The noise wbicb followrd was oc rasioued by the crash caused by the tailing of the cabin. The supports of the cabin were knocked away by the boiler. The reason that persons on the starboard side saw no steam, was that the wind blew fresh from that direc hi.w it ntr Witness has alwava thought there was some foul play about the blowing up of tne sl james on tue pan 01 uimc wuu uivu sv olf from the lake. Jt.

A. Kniokt sworn Very little that was new was elicited from this wituess, He suet that the boilers of the SL James were cleaned every trip. Wriaht sworn Witness waa the owner of the St. James. Is not satisfied that an explosiou of the hollers ever took place.

The St. James nat never oeeo raisea. Witness waa on board of her at the time the accident oc curredU Waa asleep in the mate's room. Did not come to bis consciousness after the accident uutil after be had been taken ou board the California. Was very badly burued suppose it was by fire.

One of the boiler wa made in nn on nf tlieui. which from not bavin been well nut unon required nxlng, ana a Doner repairer waa accoruiugiy seui lo the boat on the Saturday previous to the accidtnt. Does nut believe there were anv other defect. Had tkn much naina to select conioeteut officers. This wituess testified to several other things of the same import a the testimony of other witnesses.

All the witnesses who knew the prisoner spoke favorably Of bis character and re pout ion as au engineer. The defence here rested their case. iLe court then ad journed till to day to hear argument: Boajlo op Aldebmen. Tli is Board met laut eveniug at the usual hour. President Claiborne in the cnair.

lue following memuera were present: converse, Harris Sewell. Clark. Kurke. I.useububl. Claiborne.

Lab. tut, Giquel, and also Messrs. Wood snd Junes the newly elected members. A messaee was received from hit Honor. Msvor Croas man.

calling the attention of the Board to the necessity of assessing cue isxes ior tne psyment 01 sn.141.uuu ior tne interest on the Consolidated loan, and for other purpose. The law is imperative that the tux must be levied the first meeting of the Board after the 1st of January each yenr, to the exclusion of all other business. Tne debts of tue different Districts which have been consolidated are aa follows: First on Second tin Third uii.ijm) fourth Al ir Whole debt 97 The assessment rolls of tbe wholeJcity amount to about sixty seven millions of dollars. The finance Committee reported an ordiuance for the levying of the tax for the payment of the interest of the Consolidated luau. aa fol Iowa On the First District on about worth of roperty, at me rale 01 I fw (in per cent.

On the Second listrict on JtWJol worth of property, at the rate of lu of one per cent. On the Third District on at the rate of 1 7 10 per cent On the Fourth District 011 at tue rate of avion of one percent. The who! amount tuna assessed, if collected, would amount to but there will probably not be collected over the wi auiu required mr tne particular purpose or paying the interest on the loan. After a long debate, the whole subject was laid over until urxi lumiay evening. On motion of Alderman Burke, the Finance Committee and tbe Commissioner of the Consolidated debt were in structed to report all the contracts in existence on the iztn 01 April, lii i.

The Board then adjourned. Boabd Assist ants. This Board met last evening, twenty one members present. In tbe absence of we rresiaeni, mr. wstkine was called to the chair.

The readina of the minutes waa dinvtiwil with A mesaage from the Mavor was read, infonmins the Board of the election of Mr. Latour as Assistant Alder' man in place of Lanata. resigned, and of his having laaeu tue ueceaaary oeiu oeiore tue mayor. A committee waa appointed to examine into the onalifi cations of the Assistant Alderman elect. They reported Lu favor of his qualifications, and Mr.

Latour took his seat. On motion, it was resolved to take up the petitioua before any other business. Pctinom. From Manuel Fernandrt. farmer of the Beef market, representing the great difficulty he found in complying with the ordinance of the city requiring the nsme of each vendor to be inscribed on his stand iu the msrxer, as many persons sold at the same stand, and aak ing tbe Couuril to take tbe matter into consideration.

Ke ferred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Latour, Leeds and Siewersseu. From J. McLane, asking permission to erect a livery mim 'ik uu biurn; sireeu ncieireo to tne rouce tommircee. From the Keener of the temoorarv Insane Asvlnrn in this city, asking tbst his board be paid by the city.

Re erreu co special committee consisting 01 nesars. Bailey Ramos, Bummers, and Dolbonde. From Fire Company No. li, asking an appropriation of ssou 10 cnaoie toe company to complete tneir engine boose. Referred to the Committee on Fire.

From Fire Company No. atkiog an appropriation for me iraiiuing oi a iruca nouse. Keierreo to the rire com mittee. From tbe Recorder of the Second District, stating that nuia iasiero nsa coramenceu suit against nim tor Sauu, for services in correcting the assetsment roll of that Dis trier. Referred to the City Attorney.

From a lare number of residents and nmnertv hnMeta on Canal street remonstrating againat the construction of a rauroaa in inat street. Keierred to tne Railroad Con mitree. From T50 citizens in favor of the proposed railroad of II. R. W.

Hill A Co. From Tift ritisens in fsvor of the same project. From XN citizens also in favor of the same thing. The three petitions were referred to the Special Com mittee on Railroads. On motion, it was resolved to read the other communl cations.

A niesragc from the Mayor was read, comrannlrating an exiiiuiioi iiieueorsoi tne iiy. a statement 01 tne assessable PTODertV of the citv from the Hoard of CnmmiMtnn. era of the Consolidated Debt, aud ralliug the attention of the Council to the necessity of laying a tax for lie Jus ment of this debt. The total debt of the city, according to that exhibit, ia 27. Another mesaage waa read from the Mayor, ral ling the atteutiou of the Council to certain provisions of the Mc Douogh will requiring the appointment of three commis sioners, aixi recommending tneir appointment.

The message also called the attention the Council to the late vote on the license question and the provisions of the law in reference thereto. The message also referred to the necessity 01 laying out tne city into election precinct The tut subject was referred to a special committee, con sisting of Messrs. tixou, Derbes. Burthr and Philhrirk. A communication from the Comptroller was read, ad vising tlie Council of sundry adjudication Referred to the committee on Streets and LandintM.

From the Surveyor a communication, presenting a plan and estimate for an iron railin around Clav Sauare. The cost will he Referred to the Committee on Streets ana ianuings. Two communications from the Street Commissioner re lative to bis department, were referred to the above com mittee. Report of fines collected by the Recorders of the Second ana rourtn unmet, were received and referred to the nance Committee. i Sundry ordinances and resolutions were received from the Board of Aldermen, and referred, or ordered to lia on the table.

Tbe Board then took a recess for half an hour, to await tue arrival irom tue noara 01 Aiuermen 01 the consolidated loan tax ordinance. I It will he remembered that section 37 of the present city charter limposes upon the Council tbe dutv of ru iug au ordinance annually, in January, to raise the sum of SMM by a special tax on real estate and alaves. to he called the consolidated loan tax; and makes all ordi nances, resolutions or otner acts passed by the Council, after the 1st January, null and void, unless the ordinance imposing tbe consolidated loan tax shall have been first paaaea.J After recess the Board waa called to order, when nn nrri nance having been received from the Board of Aldermen, tne Boara adjourned. JJied't On Sunday, the 2d Inst, at half past 7 o'clock, of scarlet ever, suus, youngest son OI s. a mt A.

BklPWHO, aged 3 vears and 6 month SwT Memphis papers please copy. Harpers' Aln'sazine for January. Just received per Harnden'a Express. J. C.

MORGAN, Bookseller and Stationer, Exchange Place, Jans adpltMAE Adjoining the Poet Office. New Medical Work. For sale by THOMAS L. WHITE. No.

ins Canal street. CARPENTER'S PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN PHY8I OLOeT With Three Hundred snd Feurteen illus tration rmn revised edition. MEDICAL TEXT BOOKS at moderate price. Jaft ltsdp New ooks. For sale by THOMAS L.

WHITE, No. 10s Canal street AMERICAN ALMANAC for 1883. HARPER'S MAGAZINE for January. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY for January. DANIEL WEBSTER'S LIFE, vols From tbe N.

Y. Daily Time. Appleton's Library. ADAMS'S (John) LIFE AND WORKS Tolas and T. WAV RLE NOVELS Massy's edition.

Vol. 18, containing the Crusader PATIENT WAITING NO LOSS Bv Alice Dtaert PUTNAM'S SEMI MONTHLY, No. 83 Containlng a ywi ui mjii uu luBiMDiiiia Jno soap Canton Crape Shawls, 1 Tbe undersigned will open this morning an additional Invoice of white and black embroidered CANTON CRAPE SHAWLS. In consequence of their 1st arrival, we will oner them at prime cost of Importation. M.

HAGGERTY JaS etSdp 6 Canal and Royal streets. Putnam's Monthly, HARPERS' MAGAZINE for January. AT NORMAN'S, 14 Camp street, 14 Also LONDON ILLUSTRATED NEWS. LONDON PUNCH. BLACKWOOD.

BRITISH REVIEWS THE LANTERN for January. GOOEY, GRAHAM, Ac As. Alas all the Weekly Papers at Publishers prices. Janfl trtpTt Cnnt u3 Chartren at, Just received, newjietterna of VELVET and BRUSSELS TAPESTRY 1 rPLYsTBRUSSELS and INGRAINS In great variety of qualities and patterns! 6 4, is and la Druggets for CRUMB CLOTH Mosaic, printed and So boaeed TABLE and PIANO COVERS 1 Window Stair Rods white and colored MATTING 1 FLOOR OIL CLOTH, S4 feet wide, of varloos qualities, eat to soft all size of apartment All of whtcn are offered at PRICES MUCH BELOW those of previous yean, by Jes Sdptt A. BROPSSKAO ei CoT.

ga Chartrea at, Camanlssfoa Carpet Warn Raaanau NEW aTTLEjCARPETINGT torv. KEDDERMENSTER. ENGLAND, a irHrSSHS. ment of new and metnificeat deal ens of VELVET TA FESTRY AND BRUSSELS th Lowell manufactory, new paterna of a ply and Ingrain CARPETING, Jtf sad 4 4 Venetian 8ralr CARPETING: COCOA AND INDIA MATTING, WINDOW CORNICES New Style. Wooieaale and retail, 4 TODD A CO 130 Canal street Royal, Jant tdpst Team Buiidio, i Arrivals at tha Principal Uetels Jaa.

4. WT tinll ROfCL Rlha and aba. Mexico: Pa id lady, Brown. efelbourn, vv Joaiyu, hi Vlele. ana inmlly.

1 rsisHrjr.sui 1 martin. iialcber, Ms Morris. Clay, England; WJ art in. Minor, Mayer, La Lake, NO Prof FBloncby, 1 vredrmeyer, weasel, a niooo. ISSSOVSn 11W IK 1 1 1 1 mr an aranaa.

Mo 1 Garr. McWborter. Paippa. Hardasty. Lai Gil Moss, Kyi Bkelimau.

Grutbeoa and lady, Naaor, Rhea, Cone, 8 Anderson, Tnaa, Jf Lnslev and kadv. Bobinaon. Robinaoo. Jones, A la 1 Bausbn. Ga; Reynolds, NY) Hlrsh, Dr Morris, Cinn Mrs Cannon snd family St Louis A Dougherty.

NO: Council, Dr AH Sevily, Pbilai Gerrish, ot Louis Miss Bail, 8 Benjamin, Winston. CITY HOTEL. Perry. Purvis, Adam and son, Dr George. La 1 A Verger.

Barrett, A Fetters, Mia 1 Williamson, Barnes. White, K.7n Truss Allen. Hose. Zeillv.Mia A Andrews, NY 1 Edes, Md: A BirdealL Cal A Campbell. Jr and lady, Murrell, Va 1 Gerrish, St Louis Case' NO Holmes, USA 1 Walla, Ky 8 MoT fett.Cin.w ARCADE HOTEL Harnirr.

A Greene. A Olv ens, Griawold, La A Armstrong, Reynold, Alk isldhouat, A Breaax, wu Beatty.w Simpson's, 6 0 CANAL STREET. THE ENTIRE STOCK. OF WINTER DRY GOODS, AT THIS HOUSE, NOW CLOSING OUT, AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Jans sdptf Have 70a a Diseased Lilver This question, though startling, ia sufficiently suggestive, when the fact is taken into consideration that disease of the Liver have become most alarmingly frequent in tbe United States.

Indeed, there are few formidable discs ses that are not ln some way traceable to a deranged state of that Important organ. Many of the complaint usually classed uuder the bead of Consumption have their origin in the Liver. Any remedy that would Insure regularity and healthful action In tbe Liver would be a blessing to mankind," ha been tbe exclamation of thousands That remedy ha been found it is safe and sure. When a (air trial hat been afforded it, it baa never beeu known to fail. Reader, have you any disease of tbe Liver, or disease which you believe proceed from bepstic derangement? Iise not a moment, but purchase a box of Dr.

M'LAKE'S P1LL8, and they will restore you to health. It is the only remedy yet discovered, In which implicit confidence may be placed. tor For sale at ECOVIL A MEAD'S, IU Chartrea street. New Orleans, Wholesale Agent for the Southern State, to wbom all orders must be addressed. Also sold at all respectable Drug stores ui una city.

jat oisapstltw Correspondence Indianola. Dec 87, 1862. On board steamship Cincinnati. We. the undersigned passengers on board tbe ateamabip CINCINNATI, while on tbe passage from Brazos Santiago to new uriaans, taxe tms meinoa 01 tendering to capt.

a. inoinpaon, ana omcer or tne said steamship, our un feigned thanks for their urbane manners, gentlemanly deportment and seamen like conduct during our late bolster ous and tea tons voysie. We take pleasure in recommending Capt. Thompson to tbe public and tbe traveling community as a seaman and gentleman well qualified for the many and arduous duties of hi office, and as one with whom it is a pleasure to travel with. Sulegson, A Hrter, Phelps, Ju Hall.

Jas Smith. Lrvy, Beotley, Rogau, A Saul, Henrique, Remares, Jose Abngan, Neator Maxan, Jaa Holmes USA. mrs A 0 rneipa, Mrs 11 sulegson, Dliss a butegson, Mrs iveiier. Indianola. Dec 90.

IRK To the Ladie and Gentlemen nasarneera on board tbe steamship Cincinnati, on her way from Brazos Santiago to nee vriean It Is with creat nleasure and with the return of mv sin eerest thanks that 1 received your valuable note containing such kindlv rxoressions tow.rds me I regret very much, that by all exertions, I waa unable to offer so little comfort to the ladies and gentlemen in this we trip, anu can oniy nope to oe soon euaoiea to oner a more favorable opportunity to the respective traveling community, and which it will be my delight and care to make always a pleasant as possible. Wishing you a safe and short arrival at New Orleans on board the steamship Mexico, I remain under great obliga tioo. Your most obedient servant, Jn5 2dp JOHN 8. THOMPSON. Steamboat Postage.

New Orleans, Jan. 4, ISRS. Meter. Editor? Until the rail mad a now Seine cxrattruet' ed are completed, tbe country and the city are compelled to oepeuo war intercourse exclusively upon eteampoec naviga tion for the transmission of leitrrs a well as the convey sore of freight and passenger. The planters of the interior, corresponding with the trader and merchants ln tbe city.

nave mcaeurauiy no oioer mesne 01 communication man tbe steamboats offer tnem. Tbe advices downward cargoes and orders for upward shipments thus passing between town and country, being contained in the letters on board those steamboat, reouire not only nromot deliverv. but fre queutlt Immediate reply. When lorced by a post office agent Into bis office, and there subjected to the office resu latioos, the utility of those letters are lessened, and their vaiue tons name 10 total oeatrurtion. xnoae letter, thus taken by tbe agent of tbe post office, may not reach the trader or the merchant until tbe office opens for delivery the ensuing day, and then too late to execute the orders.

Bach occurrences are not unfrequent. The post office sgent be conies accustomed to sweep all letters into his office re lating to cargo" or not, unless some special letters. In care 01 toe cier 01 tne ooac, woo would pay tne postage on them. This system, adopted in tbe Southwest alone, (I be lieve.) was an inlorv to commerce much more than the mere postal coargea The law allowin ore paid stamp was bailed with nlea sure as a deliveraace. aud that tbe oost office axent's oower could only deface Ibeae stamps on his visit on board tbe steamboats, oy restamplog paid 00 tbem, and allow tbe free passage of such letters.

Bat. ob I tbe disaDPotntment. The section of an old law, enacted prior to tbe present wide usefulness of steamboats, was brought into existence and adopted in tbe 8 oath west, but not New York and other Easter port The same custom was enforced to sweep tbe letters into tbe post office, and there have the marked way one rent on letters witb tbe prepaid stamps. ana way six cents on letrers witnool prepaid stamp let ten, sucb sis relate to the cargo," could not be discrimi nsted all were eouallv liable. Tbe commencing section of tbe act of 3d March, 151, to reduce tbe rate of postage, appeared to me conclusive to render sucb way charge Illegal.

Tbe reading seemed so pjain as 10 surprise me now it could ne misunderstood. Thus, ln lien of the present ratesof postage established by law, there shall be established the following rate." And no mention in toe act 01 way on cent or way six cents. In order to have a prompt decision on the law, I insti toted an amicable suit. I considered tbe law plain and po sitive. Tbe question was a goed by John H.

Van Ralson. who sppeared for me aa counsel, against tbe Hon. E. A. Bradford, wbo appeared f.

tbe postmaster. In tla absence of CoL Huntuu. tbe United States District Attorney Tbe argument of Mr. Bradford, and tbe final decUinn of tne court, appeared more burdened wlitt tue orders from toe Depart oieutt nan tne law. orders, sucb ss tbose from official! in the present age, are losing the force which the edicts carried with tbem In tbe time of Justinian.

Orders In military life on tbe field, disciohue reoulres rieid snd strict obedience 1 but in tbe jurisprudence of th model democratic nation, and among civilians, the law alone should be their standard. I therefore applied to the representative In Congress from mis otaie ior a correct reaoing 01 tne law, or a correcting amendment by Congress Tbe Hon. A. G. Penn promptlv responded to this appeal in behalf of Louisiana.

He is too much alive to the interests of tbe Southwest to neglect anything which would promote tbe prosperity of its Great Emporium. He at once embraced tbe common sense meaning of the law, and considered it sufficient without amendment. He did not cease hi efforts until the object was accomplished, snd or oera irom toe im pan ment in accordance were obtained. Annexed herewith ia the letter of the Hon. A G.

Penn to mr, and the letter to blm from the Post Office Department, witu cue inters or oraers 10 me rostmaner 01 new uneans. Tbus lhaa tbe trade and commerce of New Orleans ob tained fiom tbe shark lea a small item or diaen'hrallment, Tbe impolae given for railroade to the West, and that to tbe denser population to tbe North, may now be looked to for the attainment of tar creater beneficial facilities. Permit me, I pray ysn, to thus tender publicly to the Hon. Mr. I'eun my sincere tnanss, and 1 nope he will en Joy tbose of his constituent, and tbose also of his leMow CUizen In general.

8. W. OA Key. Washington City, Dee 25, 18.VJ. Mr Dear Sir Tbe practic of taking letter from steamboat aud charging the same with way postage, explained and complained of by you, has been the subject of my invest sation.

I have submitted the complaint two or three times to the Department and in August last the decision was in favor oi ue roaimaaicr 01 iicw imean Having investigated tbe subject maturely in my own mind, and being ful'y convinced that Mr Muasjn. the osunaner, naa laooreo unurr tne miasspprebenaion of tbe law, I again applied tbe Department aud ohtaiue 1 a rehearing of tbe case. Ine result is that you have beeu sua tslned in your position by tbe Fostrosster General, aa yon will find satisfactorily explained in the letter of the First Assistant, a copy of which I send yon herewith. I bupr this grievance on tbe commerce of New Orleans may become thus extinguished. Ihave th honor to subscribe myaelf your very obedient aervant.

A. G. PENN. To CoL Oakey.New Oiieana. Post Office Department, Anointment Omr.

e.i IfiAa JJror Sir in compliance with your request, respecting tbe complaint made bv CoL Oakev. of New Orleans. against th practice of tbe Postmaster of that city of steamboats on tbe MiarissiDnl river. I have aiven ih Ject a mora thorough investigation, and herewith enclose you a copy of tbe letter to tbe Postmaster of New Orleans, capMuiauBTj vi un viewa ot uje xjcparimeut, ana the instructions to blm in pursuance of the same. I have tbe honor to be very respectfully, 8 D.

JACOBS. First Assistant Postmaster General To Hon. A. S. Tenn, Honaeof Representatives.

i CCopy.J Post Office Department, Appoint ment Office, Dec 3, 18M. Sir In August last a letter waa addreased to you from this office, in relation to a complaint made to tbe Depart ment by Mr. 8. W. Oakey, through tbe Hon.

Messrs Moore and Penn, of yoor charge of "one cent way" ou steamboat letters, and in reply to the inquiry, as to your construction of the law under which yon acted, yon referred to the goth of tbe act of the 3d March, IMS, ss containing authority to Justify you in making tbe charges complained ol Tbe let ter referred to waa written by tbe Acting First Assistant Postmaster General, during my temporary absence from tne Department, sndj had not the opportunity oT inveatigatiBg the matter antil recently, when it was again submitted by tbe Hon. Mr. Penn. Before bringing the subject to tbe attention of tbe Postmaster General, I examined the section referred to by yon, aa well a tbe subsequent act of Congress bearing upon the question. Looking to the sotb section alone, I admit that tbe practice pursued In your office would seem to conform atrictly to tbe requirements of said section but taking into consideration the bearing of a late act, and, a it appears to me, tbe plain intent and meaning it conveys, I conceive that your practice of charging tb additional cent will sot only continue to be complained of but is obviously in opposition to tbe tew.

The charge on way letters, as provided far by the aoth section of the act of 1SS5, evidently refers to way letters on isna routes, sod not to tnose conveyed by steam bests. The IStb section of th act of 1M6, provide that the require orients of tbe 6th section of tbe act of 1 sag snail be strlct'v complied with, so for as the delivery of all letter conveyed been tbey been conveyed In tb maiL Tbs obi act of this letter law was. wbst waa not provided for by the 6th amionof tbs act of via ii 10 oe rnarged over river route hence, if the letter directed to r. Oakev bad Wn transmitted i. tb mail th.

charge would JSpaid uS2 forw npaid five cent, and aMMbing addittboa Tb ere for, the Postmaster General fairy coincides with mjjii. tb. opinion that tbs charg. decent sdd letters brought by steamboats am th Mlastrsioot Vlt i New Orleans, is sit authorized SJpeTSnsSjSS of aexlWblrreth ooVcent JTdt mended by steamboats or their agents for tbTdsrlVBrv into yoorsffic of such ibouWi beidrt of th 15? nraf Wd not added the 1,, po tU Very respectfully, yow obedient aervant. a iOBS.

M. Muston, P. NeVlc IT JTtsTlp vw t. Muwin.i. BMK.U roiw co im cargo to tbe Postmaster at tbe port or place ta which they nVavb dl.

reefed 1 but in a sobsequeai part of tb said section. it says that such letters shall be aubfect ta the Royal Iasnrnnee Company wf Ltverpaal. CAflXAL, TWO MlLLlons, in luuaw tnuu I tr ettu Trustees JOHN IBAW LEIGH. and B. B.

H. BLDNDELL. Directors. Ac, in Liverpool rtliBT.TB TnDMVD K.l JOHN CAMPBELL, andj'. BRAMXEY MOORE, Eao.

Denntv Chairmen. Michael BooafieU Eav 1 Richard Houghton, Esq. Thomas Booch. Esa. JEawara jotmatoa, esq.

susipn oesvwnan, xsaQL David Canana, Esq. Willies Cia tton, Esa Tbonsas Dover. Esq. Richard Harbord. Esa.

Lyea Jooeav i ax, Lawrence, Esq. Francis Maxwell Esq. merge maxwru, in. Robert McAndrew, Esq. Edmund Moiyneux, Esq.

William Smith, Eaq, Robert Ellison Harvey, Ess, nomas Dyaaa Hornby, Esq ursusg ex. iiiwwbii. aq. Actaarv Percv M. Dm Available Capital TEN MILLION DOLLARS.

Paid np Capital SEVENTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Th aubeeriber beving been appointed Agent for the above wealthy and highly respectable Liverpool Insurance Office, is now prepared to accept Risks, and leans Policies or Insurance agaiaat loss or damage from Fir la the city of New Orleans, and on the most liberal terms. Tbe very large capital added to tbe Individual liability of every stockholder to the entire extent of bit property Is a perlect guarantee to th insured of his safety in case of loss. Tbe usual abatement made to place thla company'a policies on a par with tbe mutual office: and all settle meats for losses will be msde here, both prompt and liberal JAMES MAGEE, Agent, 67 St. Charles street.

dl9 ismadplm 1 Coeklnc Extracts. We offer for sale to Hotels and Families, Extracts of VANILLA, ALMONDS. ROSE. ORANGE, PINEAPPLE, STRAWBERRY, Ac Tbey sre stronger and better than any heretofore offered. 1 CHINN A BOLTON, 1 Druggists and Chemist, Jal Sttdp Corner of St Charles and Union sta.

Perfumery and Brashes, From tbe beat French and Euglish manufacturer, for sale on very reasonable terms, by CHINN BOLTON, Druggist and Chemists, Jal 3tidp Corner of St. Charles and Union at 73 I Camp street, 73 loose desirous or selecting Rich Present for tbe approach lug Holidays, are requested to call at MILLER. HARRI8 A WALDO'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE. wuere may oe louna Rich styles of China and Bohemian FLOWER TASKS. BOUQUET HOLDERS, various styles, Bohemian Glass and China COLOGNE BOTTLES, Rich Plated FRUIT BASKETS, China FRUIT BASKETS, Plated CANDLESTICKS, China CAN DLEST1CKS, Plated CASTORS, new and rich styles, Parlor LAMPS and GIRANDOLES, Turquoise JEWEL STANDS, Bohemian CARD BASKETS, Wedgewood BASKETS, Papier Mache BASKETS.

TEA TRAYS and WAITERS. Work and Traveling BASKETS, rich styles. Together with a great variety of goods suited to the season. 1 usi iwrap Selling vi? at Cent. MESSRS.

BALDWIN A CO offer for sale the entlreatock of the late firm of H. E. BALDWIN A CO. sisting of every description of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, MILITARY GOODS, H0U8E FURNISHING ARTICLES, Ac, Ac Tbe pub He are respectfully requested to call and examine previous ts purchasing elsewhere, gjeat inducements being offered, aa the establishment will be shortly closed, dig lmsdp Grand Pyrateenie Celebration, And opening of the St. Charles HoteL L.

P. CATOIR. tbe American Fyrotecnist, having been engaged to coadact tbe celebration of the above event. announce in this manner that be wilt call upon tbe stoca holder during th ensuing week, and hopes to be regarded a a welcome visitor. edptd Fancy Furnishing; Warehouse, 1 No.

67 Royal and 80 Bienville afreet a CARPETING. CARPETING. Just received splendid assortment of new ty les, in Velvet, Bressela and 3 ply Carpeting. RUGS, MATS WINDOW BLINDS, Ac. Rosewood snd Mahogany FURNITURE.

Enameled Cottage Furniture. LOOKING GLASSES and Crystal Ware. Bronze and Sevres CHINA and Porcelain Ware. Silver plated TEA SETS, PAPIER MACHE, CUTLERY, and FANCY ARTICLES of every description. d28 Sdpl P.

MALLARD at CO. I Testii tic 8 CAMP STREET. WATCHMAKERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS. Have now on band a complete assortment of the finer description of Ladies' snd Genu' WATCHES and JEW ELRY. Also, a large assortment of PURE SILVER WARE, which we offer at very reasonable price; tbe whole of which has been manufactured and selected under the superintendence of H.

P. Buckley, of this house, and who still continues to direct his personal attention to re pairing such fine watches a sre entrusted to oar charge. ns sdpoa 1 16 Can street. ltf WALL PAPERS WALL PAPERS. Just received by tbe undersigned a moat superb lot of woite satin.

12010, rresco, velvet, na uoia na velvet PAPER HANGINGS, with suitable BORDERS for each alao, a large lot of low and medium priced Border and Paper Together witb large selection of FIRE BOARD PAPERS. TEASTER AND WINDOW PAPERS. STATUE AND SUB BASE PAPERS. All of which are ottered at the lowest possible price. Also, an assortment of UPHOLSTERY GOODS, such ss Bobbinet and Muslin CURTAINS.

Wooden and Brass CORNICE, Curtain BANDS and PINS, Floor and Table OIL CLOTH. Drusseta. Corda and Tassels. MAT. TING, Gimps, Fringes, and various other article of Houae aeeping uood me subscriber solicits a continuance of public tavor.

Paper hung to order, and upholstery work executed. Jal 3Hdp JOSEPH ETTER, lo Camp at. Removal. F. FABRE A CO.

have removed from No. S9 Magazine street to the corner of St Charles and Common streets, under the St Cbarlr Hotel, and invite tbe attention of their friends to their Urge stock of Fashionable Clothing, which ia now rendered complete by recent arrivals from their manufactory In New k. nas sdpdAWt Toya Toys Teyn No. 38 Chartrea, between Customhouse and Bienville sta. SOCZA A PICARD Have lust receivd a la ee and choice assortment of TOYS and FANCY ARTICLES of every description for NEW YEAR'S GIFTS.

Ladies will find it to their ad van tare to call and examine tbe extensive stock nf TRIMMINGS, SHELL COMBS, PERFUMERY. PORT MONNA1ES. PURSES. Ac. sold at low price.

On hand a smsll quantity of JOUVIN'S GLOVES at 76 ecu la for ladies and 90 centa for gentlemen. ds Imtdp The Great Depot ef Clothing FOR GENTLEMEN, YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHIL DREN, OF ALFRED MONROE A 34 Magazine corner Uravier, Tbe system of business which has been established by this HOUSE cannot bnt be ntiafactory to every purchaier. Every article baa the lowest price marked upon It and no variation from that, in any instance, ia ever made. Purchasers, whether tbey are good or bad Judges of the quality of goods, may rest assured of obtaining 1 very article at tbe lowest price without tbe fear of being cheated If after the purchase of aa article any dissatisfaction should exist it may be returned, and the meney will be re ronaed. 1 DRESS AND FROCK COATS.




sT ONE PRICE FOR GOODS NO DEVIATION IS EVER MADE, ir This store is OPEN EVERY NIGHT tin eight, and SATURDAY NIGHTS till nine o'clock. Not open on Sunday I ALFRED MUNROE A CO. Jan4 sdptf 34 Magazine street. New Orleans, jaekaoaaund UreatNerthern Kailraad Company. new wieaoa, uectrmotn lgnx.

Subscribers to the capital stock of this Comnanv are hereby notified that tbe third installment of to percent, I payable THIS DAY. at the office of th Company, No. iSCarondelet street. JOHN CALHOUN. or wipu ss I mm m.wrvvwas suii sar.

VCm h. 1. 1 yKimnmin Bnawrespectaoiury wl.o have used this medicine, that it is one of the most re ma ruble medicine of tbe age, for Cough. Cold, Influenza. Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in tb Side and Breast.

7 V. ssi Lriing von plaints, which kf neglected usually terminate ln CuatomD Luis kCskh IsYBt 13 ri of as MTSold by SCOVIL A MEAD. 1 tll vnrprCT itreet. WUtars Balaaan or Wild Cherry. thU mimu i.

ti i tZ n. Hnun.uns in tniiiTTu ar aw 1 1 ar rains tbst high putation which it so richly deserves. Wh. Preventit sale, when on every hand can be witu eased Hs 11 rZL Asthma, recent and BBaaV finM Vsar srATrr a. a ax a I aww am mm ai aLi, eV 6tadp ChsVtresstreeL Sat ar IIoBse Maiaaaea.

SOO barrels and 100 half barrel I GOLDEN SYRUP, SO barrels and I no halt barrela. LOAF, POWDERED AND CRUSHED SUGAR. 1000 barrela, CLARIFIED SUGAR. WHITE AND YELLOW, ww aainis. Constantly ou band nd for sale in lots snH, by dsi sdpem A.

WALKEb lis Magazln at. CO 'SOn STREETS, Inrte attention of tneir friends to their choice and 'rftoclrof Fs.htonsble Clothing, eonu5n7of DRE8S COATS, of Black and Bin Cloth FROCK COATiw and Green BD8 AC COATS, of every variety ef color and OVKR 8AC COATS. do. do. 27 FAJ "'IA doT An.

FANTALOONS.ef Black, Blue sad amcy Caastmere. BaBsSV' HALFJiOSE, af Merino, Cotton and Silk .4 VStl VLl Li sad Cetton. ROBES DE i POC KKTnntnt n. .7 5t?" v. au.

i 1 ttxtian Bales sh*t Wcm. Tor J. A. Beard A May's Sales see First 1 R.B oyass sens nice, at un uoa, a tne Mtmr Tf1 Mtacoa Jatta.aear Leves street; (lav, jljj o'clock, at Banks's Arcade. I.

A. Beard dtatay sell Bra! Estate, at 1 laasai. tra.ui IUc Wsreksase. DIRECT IMPORTATION. M.

HAGGERTY A Canal and Royal ttmwt. Importer of Silk and other Foreign Dry elu House In Part ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Wnrtr SILKS AND SILK GOODS AIXJMt The attention of purchasers la rrcpectiaUy lnvltai examination of the largest stock of 11 SILKS AND SILK GOODS ever imported by any one hows Into this city. Owing to the above extraordinary quantity ef Bilk we have de ermined to offer them at coraudsrxblv fc At their market value. Besides these we have a assortment of every style and manufacture of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. We a now offering i cases New Style DE LAIN ES, at lac i cases All Wool, small patterns, at SftZ" Superfine French MERLNOES.

all colors, nt ai Heavy plain BLACK SILKS, at 76c and SI. Rich Changeable Silks, all shade, at T6e Handsome FOULARDS, at 40c 't Black Gro de Rhine, black Poult de Soie. black Black SATIN Torque, black Satin a UlUi Black DAMASKS, black Plaida ad Klt Black and colored watered POULT DE SOIE. suaVe, Black India and French SATINS i black REra. Black ARMD RE: black Rnvale.nlaet, Black boiled SILKS; black si.k GRENAnrNE 140 pieces extra heavy black BROCHE.

Black Damasked and Fisnred BILKa Black Damasked and Figured 8ILKS. Colored GROS DE RHINE) Changeable Changeable ARM RES extra heavy 81LKS at SI colored Broch and Daooask Hilk. Rich new style CHINE; BROCADE sntioajr" Changeable LEVANTINES and SATIN ataKehaa New style corded and changealbe ptaia POMPAnom SlLKS beautifolnSnd new st les rasU it oe. GROS DE RHINE, for LadieTaod TsKai tt? worth Si 86. Wt, 400 pieces newest style colored, figured sad MURES white and colored VfJteZauiS'J shade white GROS DE NAPLES.

every 120 pieces various shade Straw, Yellow, Blae. Roa. rw on. Mszarine Blue, Cherry, Green, Parela a7rlf" GR08 DE NAPLES. aad Onjagt AU color in FLORENCES, bLaRCELLINEI sad timnm.

White and colored SATINS. sou pieces new style, woite, oiacx ana mliai I stt FRINGES, from 6 to IS inches wide. VLt. 60 pieces black and colored SILK VELVET. iSoo piece black Silk Velvet RIBBONS.

Black and colored SATIN CLOAKS. Black and colored Cloth and Merino CLnm XX black and colored 8ilk MANTILLAS, true as An Immense variety of PARASOLS and Bilk VM BB rr LAS Bilk and Kid GLOVES; Silk CRAVAT. Silk HOSE and Half Hose; Silk CURTAIN DAMAUs Silk GIMPS and TA88ELS i Silk TISSUES aa 5 CREPE de Pari; Bilk Brazilllenoea, both black sndAj? xw beautiful new style EVENING DRESS Ea. White embroidered Crape SHAWLS, from SlotaSaw Silk UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS; Silk NTr Extra heavy Mack and colored SILK trftWU. Silk POPLINS; Bilk Tabbinetts, plain and figured.

BAKrou us satin, plaid, printed and emb'd Caan M. Lace and Muilin CURTAIN Jacquard and BraeW tv tain Muslin. "aVet. Plain and embrol Iered SWISS MUSLIN. OrrAadi. as Prints I INTN riMRDir lrn. Tl i IRISH LINEN, Lawna. bbeetiugs. Damaaka. liianw.

on uiiixiiii I kins, Doylaa, ovlaa. Cloths. Brown Cloths. PIANO and TABLE COVERS; Netting. Marseilles OCILTS; BLANKETS.

easKUiutaUni; itci English and German HOSIERY. Wool and Cashmere SHAWLS Crenoline BUKTl. Muslin embroidered and cut SKIRTS Ladies' Drap Sultan CLOAKING CLOTH. ine aoove asaorrmens oi uooaa, coasMaed with as numerable variety ef other Foreign and Doasestic Btl GOODS forma the most complete stock ever liiuiaUi bxt New Orleans, and having but a very short tissetsRssoi it, we csn assure oar cutomers that we will sear thai Goods considerably cheaper than any artier boast hs M. R.

HAGGERTY A Jsat2dp Canal sad Keyalt. China tb Beltea, I WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARI1R and Import era of Cod Liver Oil, Perfumery, Fancy Turn Articles, Brushes, Colognes, of various brands sashes! English Chemicals, Medici oe Cheat Also, a awmvadsy af Surgeons Instruments, which tbey offer sa tb mat reasonable terms to flan ter, royuc uu, fttfi at. osi adpomSnnWAF Joseph GUItts Steel Peas. Thirty vears' experience In maaufocturing aad sMd obaervance of tbe rule, that no article af inferier awasr should be sent Into the market, have estabushed far las Pens the flatteries distinction thev enkrv sad aiaal las luvst gnarantee ot a maintanance of their pecabar sxesV lence. ieaae ooserve toaz on ise reverse sue at ear sa there la a caution bearine a mc aimile of Joaeah Silloni signature, this baa special reference to bia He.

SUB, Tag Btosr rvrukta rtn in inn nvuu. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT'. JOSEPH GILLOTT Bees reanectfnllv to inform the Dublic that bv a Kllcation of his unrivaled machinery for making i ss introduced a new aerie of his useful orsd which for excellence of temper. Qasiitv af Eoatattai. a above all cbeapneas in price, will, be believes, iasars sat veraai atmronasion.

Bnkcn pen neara tne name or juuru auiwrrai guarantee of quality. Tbey are put ap tn tne Best atyna boxes ot one gross eacn. witn soei an aanas" sa aide, with aaosamiie aiariarnra. Observe Tb new series mav be know ftan SB TOO, and upward aar ror sai oy ail stationer ana rsscy aoea vnsa tn the United State, and wholesale at tb Maiiifci laSTt Warehouse, 01 John street. New Tsri.

aa imsopweo aa Halldaw Vreaeats. n.L eT utt ii lirr nv ix iruoivnv I.W 1 Elegant Peart BRACELETS, BKOOCzLKB aad BAI Fine (lol l. Lever. Dnnlex and Anchor WATCHES. Ladies' fine EnameUd WATCHES, act with Fear sal Diamonds.

Rich CHATELAINES, VEST CHAINS, VOC.TT, TTM and rencti cases. Ttiimoiea, cara case, na Porte Monnalea, Fine Fans. Canes, Shell Combs, Ops asses, ezc Pipirn MicnririDr WORK TABLES, DESKS, DRESSING CASES, WUU KlllKX. BRONZES, Dresden and Sevres PORCELAIN. Ac.

For sale by HYDE GOOLfsUt U. 1 chartrea stisst The beautiful Oil Paintf ne and Fancv Osss mt snow room will well repay a visit to rraaiin umbo. mu Kipm i i 't Thempson 6c Ntae FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, No. 19 Camp street, apposits City Bstsi sre now In receipt of a large and varied Stock af FINE CLOTHING. mannfcctnred by themselves expressly fa*g tb IXIlOi TRADE, and rmhraclDg every variety of UVEK COATS; Uiusat; FROCK COATS; i PRESS COATSj PALETOTS; Alao GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINw COOPli of all tbe latest and beat Styles.

UNDER SHIRTS. DRAWERS AND HALF HOECl of Silk, Merino, Cashmere, Lamas Wsol ass teuas trim rsivin ns iwn rrnrilL PORT MONNAIES, POCKET BOO KB, Clot AS aaaa. POCKJET HANDKERCHIEFS. of Silk, snd Whit and Borderes csatsns UmBlUnUbASl of Silk, Gingham and ee. vauuna ounu of Caahmere, Mas' de Leia sad Csttss, a ME COMBS, BRUSHES, am Bar "UAigHOUtDER BRACES, LINEN AND COTTON Bills' so sdptf CLOIHIIfO.

C10TBISS Narrla de Way Corner ot Camp and Common sUsstSj under th City Having recently Improved aad raflrtn thssr eawHSr ment, now offer to the public new and beautiful start sf fSLli A II WIBTEa CLOTgllli comprlaiaf an extensive and weU asaorted variety af g9 escription of Clothing nd GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, manufoctured especiaHy for retail sale, luariallsgsf OVERCOATS, Sop. Black Cloth DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Sup. Fancy Cloth BUSINESS COATS, Epsom and Derby COATS, BLACK. AND FANCY CA SHIM ERR FASTI, of the kstest styles. snd an entire new assortment of WINTER VESTS.

SCARFS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, uniiruv niMnirurinr.FK, and FANCY wOOBS Throughout the enth season they will la tisilisl ceipt of the latest novelties and most popsJsw maintain at aU time a large and esaankts ntscka tm sitlcle of apparel appertaining to a GENTLEMAN'S WAROB S8T CaJl sndexamiua. NORRI8 A sfAY. B14 Sdp aadarCKI sU Blaak xfaolu aaa StaUoaerT For the New Year, at Merchants requiring aupplies af first rat Barak superfine Stationery are respectfully nrviu a PRINTING AND BINDING Tb sea stykv cnted with dcanazeh. New Oriesurs, Jachsaa aaa Uallreaa Caaspaay. A meetieg of the Stack bolder af this Csonasryw" held at tbe Company's Office, Na.

Caiwadekf sw SATURDAY, th 16th day of Janaary, las, at a By the ath sectton af th charter it Is stocAholder shall be permitted to vote, CZm ment an his stock foe whicb a caU has ksea me Beard aball remain unpaid Byerdsvef ttM aa' ZS BdnUal8 JOHN CALH0DN. St i Basks far the HeUtoye "let. CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEAR WM t. a Na SA taravUr Th vsrtewi ANNUALS for 1SSJ. BsawttlW lZrX" wi.Y BIBLES AND PRATER BOOKBfsFPr vet sad Jasescc Binainr.

wiinv JDVENU! ftfawh A Irrge sasortasent of New Juveniles, suksu. to children of alt aee aad car unties. 4jej.es4 PORTFOLIOS, WRITING DISK. CARD am sunt rusr nunnsias. a H.

D. kicGINNla, a ccessur Juv.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


Why is New Orleans paper called Picayune? ›

Nicholson was the owner and publisher of the New Orleans Daily Picayune, named after a Spanish coin called a “picayune.” She chose to name the city after her beloved newspaper. Today the paper is still published but is now called the Times-Picayune.

Why is New Orleans called NOLA? ›

The first letters of “New Orleans” and the state abbreviation for Louisiana, LA, combine to derive the nickname “NOLA. Put those together and you get N.O. LA or NOLA. Residents and visitors commonly use this shorthand or acronym to refer to the city.

Is New Orleans a nice place to live? ›

Considering a move to New Orleans? Along with being one of the best U.S. cities for singles, NOLA is an iconic Southern city with vibrant live music, gorgeous architecture, Cajun and Creole cultural influences, and—of course—the city's legendary Mardi Gras celebrations.

What is the name of the New Orleans newspaper? ›

The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate online.

What are New Orleans locals called? ›

Lived in New Orleans. · 4y. Generally speaking, people who live or were born in New Orleans and vicinity are called New Orleanians.

What was the old name for New Orleans? ›

The name of New Orleans derives from the original French name (La Nouvelle-Orléans), which was given to the city in honor of Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who served as Louis XV's regent from 1715 to 1723. The French city of Orléans itself is named after the Roman emperor Aurelian, originally being known as Aurelianum.

What is the slang name for New Orleans? ›

You will hear these terms all over the city of New Orleans also called the Crescent City, The Big Easy and N'awlins (because it's just faster that way). Just step foot in the French Quarter and it might also be called the Old Quarter or the Vieux Carre (View ca ray').

What is the big nickname for New Orleans? ›

No one is quite sure exactly why New Orleans was nicknamed The Big Easy. Many people hotly contest this nickname's origins. Some believe the name comes from The Big Easy Dance Hall, in operation in the early 1900s until it burned down.

What is the racial makeup of New Orleans? ›

The Population

According to EMSI population data, New Orleans is more racially diverse than the U.S. as a whole. In 2021, an estimated 59% of the population in New Orleans is Black, while 31% are White non-Latino/a/x, 4% are White Latino/a/x, and 3% are Asian.

How much do you need to live comfortably in New Orleans? ›

New study: $62,000 a year needed to live comfortably in New Orleans |

Is New Orleans safer than it used to be? ›

New Orleans is undoubtedly safer than it was 20 to 30 years ago. But zooming in on more recent history shows that violent crime as a whole is close to returning to 2004 (pre-Katrina) levels, while property crime remains about 20 percent lower than it was just before Katrina.

What is the safest part of New Orleans to live in? ›

1. West End. The safest neighborhood in New Orleans is the West End. This area offers a great mix of suburban living, safety, and affordability.

What is NOLA coffee? ›

Put simply, New Orleans coffee is coffee that is infused with chicory root. The chicory root adds a little boost of flavor to the coffee, making it a bit richer, earthier, and nuttier. The chicory root is roasted and ground, much like coffee.

What is NOLA short for? ›

NOLA is short for New Orleans, Louisiana. Related words: Windy City. Frisco.

What is the best time to go to New Orleans? ›

The best time to visit New Orleans is from February to May when the weather is comfortably cool and the celebrations are in full swing. If you're not interested in Mardi Gras mania, plan to visit in December or January, when the city is calm and you don't have to worry about making hotel reservations a year in advance.

Where does the name picayune come from? ›

Its name derives from the French picaillon, which is itself from the Provençal picaioun, the name of an unrelated small copper coin from Savoy. By extension, picayune can mean "trivial" or "of little value".

What is the meaning of the word "picayune"? ›

adjective. , Informal. of little value or account; small; trifling: a picayune amount. Synonyms: trivial, paltry, nugatory, insignificant, inconsequential, measly.

What is the history of picayune? ›

The area known as Picayune was long inhabited by the local Choctaw Native American tribe. The area was first claimed by French settlers and was a part of Louisiana. Many different European settlers wanted possession of the area because of its strategic location: near the Gulf of Mexico and near the Pearl County River.

What is picayune, Mississippi famous for? ›

Picayune is known for some of its popular attractions, which include: Crosby Arboretum. The Teddy Bear House Museum. MCTA Shooting Range.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.