Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (2024)

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Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (1)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe was absolutely delicious and very simple. The kids loved it and it reheated well for lunch the next day. I served it with a tossed green salad for a simple, complete meal. I know this recipe is lightened up, but I'm not a fan of fat free products. I used regular beef broth, 2% milk, regular cream cheese and regular sharp cheddar.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


I cut the chili powder in half and the water by 1/4 cup. It does taste better as a leftover...flavors have had a chance to blend.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (3)


Rating: 1 stars


Save your time and money and buy a box of Hamburger Helper - b/c that's exactly what this tastes like.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (4)


Rating: 4 stars


I thought this was very good--creamy, hearty, great comfort food. I made it with ground chicken and it worked fine. I did need to season it with a little salt and pepper. I've been eating it for a few days for lunch and dinner and it holds up well--I agree it's even better leftover. I took some over to my in-laws for their dinner and they thought it was delicious.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious! I made it with the ingredients as stated other than adding a pinch of sea salt before I threw the noodles in and using a 14.5 oz can of tomatoes with chilies instead of a 10 oz can - I couldn't find that size. I cooked covered for 7 minutes and uncovered for 3 to evaporate some of the additional liquid. The flavor was fine - one 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes with chilies has enough kick for the flavor profile. Hubby had 2 helpings, need I say more?

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (6)


Rating: 3 stars


Pretty delicious, though it also clearly doesn't taste like the full-fat version, which is why I'd avoid serving it to company (**I** like lower-fat versions and am used to them, but my guests may not be). Also, I don't know why, but I didn't enjoy it very much fresh-made... I think it gets better if you let it sit a bit. I froze some for later meals and it really hits the spot when you need something substantial that tastes like comfort food. It DOES freeze beautifully. Would definitely make a big batch to freeze for lunches or quick no-fuss dinners in the future.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (7)


Rating: 4 stars


I thought this recipe turned out very well and my family enjoyed it - including my 2 year old! I did not have a problem with the liquid, though the can of beef stock I used wasn't quite 2 cups and I used slightly more beef since I couldn't find a 3/4 lb package. The taste was not bland, as others described it, but I did use a "chili" version of Rotel so that may have helped with the spiciness. Overall, this was a good recipe that was quick and easy and I will definitely make it again.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe is similar to hamburger helper, but not disgusting. I left in the water, and had my doubts at first. Glad I did because when it is reheated it wasn't sticky, but plenty moist. Super easy. Even the baby liked it.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (9)


Rating: 4 stars


This was so easy to make and tasty- our family of 4 devoured the entire thing. I would probably leave out the water next time- I just cooked the dish longer to reduce the liquid. Also would use a super-sharp cheddar next time to give it more flavor. I ended up adding more cheese than what was called for.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (10)


Rating: 3 stars


This is a good, quick weeknight meal. I also took the advice of earlier reviews, left out the water & kicked up the spice. Served with a garden salad.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (11)


Rating: 5 stars


This was great! Very easy to make, well liked by the family. I did use the suggestions here in the review section to add more of the seasoning and cut out the water. I did that and it turned out really well. Definitely will make again!

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (12)


Rating: 4 stars


My family of 3 ate the entire recipe in one sitting, so that says something! Next time, I will add another can of Rotel, drained or some drained salsa. I flet like I needed a little more acid to cut the chalkiness of the cream cheese in the sauce. My husband and I also added Texas Pete to kick up the heat a bit. Very kid friendly!

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (13)


Rating: 3 stars


I didn't have a problem with using the water, the consistency came out fine for me, but I did let it get to a rapid boil first and cooked the macaroni for an extra minute or two. Used a 14.5oz can of tomatoes and a shredded Mexican cheese blend. When all was said and done I found it kind of bland, like Hamburger Helper without all the salt, so I added more of all the spices. Next time I will double the spice from the get-go and use diced tomatoes w/ jalapenos.That said, this recipe was so easy and quick that it is totally worth the extra effort to get the spice just right for your tastes. No prep, no fuss, no muss.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


Thank you, Nan1016, for your comment about leaving out the water. I used at 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes with chilies and left out the water. It was cooked to the perfect consistency, in my opinion. Thanks for a fun, fast, kid-friendly recipe.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (15)


Rating: 3 stars


This was tasty but had too much liquid. I had to add flour to thicken the sauce, next time I make it I would leave out the water and just add it as needed.

Chili-Cheese Mac Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to really good chili? ›

Only Add Flavorful Liquids

Instead of adding water to your chili, add some more flavor with chicken or beef broth, red wine vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, or even beet or wine. Each one of these options brings out different notes and levels of sweetness that will enhance your culinary creation.

What to serve with chilli mac? ›

Serving Suggestions

This is a hearty meal on its own, but I love serving it with some cornbread. It would also go well with a side salad or even some biscuits! To make The Best One-Pot Chili Mac Recipe, start by browning your ground beef with the onion and garlic.

What adds the most flavor to chili? ›

If you want more of a smoky flavor, add cumin, Spanish paprika, ancho chili powder, or a combination. If you are looking for more heat, add cayenne, crushed red pepper, or Hungarian paprika. If it's too spicy add a little brown sugar and some sweet paprika.

What is the difference between chili mac and goulash? ›

Chili mac is very similar to American goulash — a one-pot meal made with ground beef, pasta, tomato sauce, and cheese. American goulash, however, doesn't call for evaporated milk, and also isn't made with beans.

What not to put in chili? ›

Beans and non-vegetable fillers such as rice and pasta are not allowed." If that sounds a bit uptight, the ICS's Homestyle Chili competition defines chili as: "any kind of meat, or combination of meats, and/or vegetables cooked with beans, chili peppers, various spices, and other ingredients.

What makes chili taste better? ›

"Adding fresh ingredients — like diced onions, cilantro, and jalapenos — will take any canned chili to another level," Dunleavy said. "The fresh burst of flavor will brighten and elevate the chili while also adding great texture and crunch."

What is chili mac made of? ›

Basic versions may be prepared using chopped meat, tomato, spices, and elbow macaroni. Another basic preparation method incorporates boxed, prepared macaroni and cheese and canned chili. Some recipes incorporate all of the ingredients together, while others are prepared with the ingredients separately layered.

Is chili powder good in mac and cheese? ›

Chili powder, cayenne pepper, or black pepper introduces subtle or pronounced heat. The choice depends on your preference. The heat provides a balanced flavor profile and cuts through the richness of the cheese. Nutmeg compliments the cheese sauce creaminess and creates a warm, but slightly sweet aroma.

How long does chili mac last in the fridge? ›

Store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3 days. Leftovers can be frozen and do reheat well, be extra careful not to overcook the macaroni so that it's not mushy when reheated. (I always use a timer.)

Does chili need tomato paste? ›

Tomato sauce is not a strong a taste as tomato paste. Also, sauce will increase the liquid content of your chili ever so slightly. Tomato paste has a more full, rich, tomato taste and smell. Using either one is appropriate, but you will need to tweak your seasonings to suit your personal tastes, anyway.

What does cinnamon do for chili? ›

Cinnamon adds a different spice profile than chili powder or red or cayenne pepper would. It is a common savory spice in Indian food and I believe it's also used in savory dishes in Chinese cooking. It's a very versatile spice :).

How do you make chili more interesting? ›

I like to give my chili a little more complexity, so I'll often add canned chipotle chili peppers, a touch of cinnamon or Chinese 5 spice, chocolate and cilantro or coriander. A few other flavor boosting ingredients could be: smoked sausage, grilled corn kernels, coffee, beer or roasted tomatoes.

What is another name for a Chili Mac? ›

American Chop Suey (Macaroni, Beef, and Cheese Skillet Casserole) Recipe. Beefaroni, chili mac, Johnny Marzetti: whatever you call it, this stuff is delicious.

Is Sloppy Joe the same as chili? ›

To be clear, a sloppy joe is not a sandwich with chili piled on top. A sloppy joe is a sandwich consisting of ground beef or pork, onions, tomato sauce or ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings, served on a hamburger bun. The dish originated in the United States during the early 20th century.

Which ground beef is better for chili? ›

Use lean beef, but not super lean meat. The best ground beef for chili has some fat, so 85% lean is ideal. Don't be tempted to use extra-lean beef or drain off the fat after browning the meat. The fat bastes the meat during cooking, which adds richness to the sauce and keeps the meat moist.

Does sugar make chili taste better? ›

Now for the piece de resistance: 1-2 heaping Tablespoons brown sugar. The chili tastes completely different without the brown sugar so if you like a subtle sweetness in your chili then you've just got to go for it! Trust me, it will not make your chili taste like candy.

Why add vinegar to chilli? ›

With only about 1 tablespoon per pot added toward the end of the cooking process, the vinegar will make the flavors more vibrant without overwhelming the dish with its biting tang. Through just a splash, everything becomes a little brighter, and the chili's flavors are more balanced.

How do you make chili taste more meaty? ›

Ground Beef: Provides the hearty meaty base for the chili. Opt for 85% lean; the fat enriches the meat, enhancing the dish's overall flavor and texture. And don't stress about the fat—post-cooking, it's easy to skim off any excess. Baking Soda: Helps tenderize the beef by locking in moisture, making it more succulent.

Is chili better the longer it cooks? ›

A low and slow cook time—at least an hour total—is key for drawing out the most flavor in a pot of chili. Yes, a quick chili is most welcome on weeknights, but it won't have quite the same results. A slow cooker works wonders, but if you're short on time, try a pressure cooker.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.